- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.419
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71752294 - Preacher357
- 72371751 - sn347609
- 72657014 - k8mielke
- 73557248 - darryluk
- 73570435 - racjohn
- WINNER - 73634926 - not-logged-in-b713313893e058219a51

71752294 - Preacher357
Paul (Harding) has got a job on a ship and is now somewhere inthe Mediterranian. He is what is called a writer, I think. He
went about a week ago. It is rather a Jugue, I suppose, but he
really has something to run away from. No Guys & Dolls to-
night, therefore.
I saw Meseus at the ICA yesterday & he was, as usual, charming.
He tells me that Picasso & Derain are rumored to have finished
Rousseau's Sleeping Gipsy & that the 'rediscovered' La Querre
may really be a Picasso . On the other hanbd, he had no real
proof. TG gossip is entertaining, however.
Well I must have lunch & go to town (the lecture's at 5:00).
I love you so much. Look after your dear self.
I adore you
72371751 - sn347609
72657014 - k8mielke
Paul (Karding) has got a job on a ship and is now somewhere in the Mediterranean. He is what is called a units', I think. He went about a week ago. It is rather fugue, I suppose, but he really has something to run from. No Guys & Dolls tonight, there fore.I saw Mersues at the ICA yesterday & he was, as usual, charming. He tells me that Picasso & Derain are rumored to have finished Rousseau's Sleeping Gipsy & that the 'rediscovered' La Guerre may really be a Picasso pastide. On the other hand, he had no real proof. The gossip is entertaining, however.
Well I must have lunch & go to town (the lecture's at 5:00).
I love you so much. Look after your dear self.
I adore you
73557248 - darryluk
Paul (Harding) has got a job on a ship and is now somewhere in the mediterranean. He is what is called a 'waiter', I think. He went about a week ago. It is rather a fugue, I suppose, but he really has something to run away from. No Guys & Dolls tonight, therefore.I saw Meseus at the ICA yesterday & he was, as usual, charming. He tells me that Picasso & Derain are rumored to have finished Rousseau's Sleeping Gypsy & that the 'redillocomend' La Guerre may really be a Picasso pastiche. On the other hand, he had no real proof. The gossip is entertaining, however.
Well I must have lunch & go to town (the lecture's at 5.00).
I love you so much. Loo after your dear self.
I adore you
73570435 - racjohn
Paul (Harding) has got a job on a ship and is now somewhere inthe Mediterranean. He is what is called 'a writer, I think. He
went about a week ago. It is rather a fugue, I suppose, but he
really has something to run away from. No Guys & Dolls to-
night , therefore.
I saw Mesens at the ICA yesterday & he was, as usual, charming.
He tells me that Picasso & Derain are rumoured to have finished
Rousseau's Sleeping Gypsy & that the 'rediscovered' La Guerre
may really be a Picasso pastiche. On the other hand, he had no real
proof. The gossip is entertaining, however.
Well I must have lunch & go to town (the lecture's at 5.00).
I love you so much. Look after your dear self.
I adore you
WINNER - 73634926 - not-logged-in-b713313893e058219a51
Paul (Harding) has got a job on a ship and is now somewhere in the Mediterranean. He is what is called a writer , I think. He went about a week ago. It is rather a fugue, I suppose, but he really has something to run away from. No Guys & Dolls tonight, therefore.I saw Meseus at the ICA yesterday & he was, as usual, charming. He tells me that Picasso & Derain are rumored to have finished Rousseau's Sleeping Gipsy & that the 'rediscovered' La Guerre may really be a Picasso pastiche. On the other hand, he had no real proof. The gossip is entertaining, however.
Well I must have lunch & go to town (the lecture's at 5.00) I love you so much. Look after your dear self.
I adore you