- Max. dissimilarity: 0.375
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.208
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72106175 - Preacher357
- 72470133 - hoskinml
- WINNER - 72685400 - darryluk
- 72713772 - Eloquens
- 72947500 - not-logged-in-c1681788486dc06f13ca
- 73073327 - jesseytucker

72106175 - Preacher357
thus making an article about abstractart in the next one Art News.
Before going home today I am having
coffee at 6:00 with Roy Edwards who
wrote that article on children in Sight
& Sound. Tomorrow I am dining
with Frank & Magda who returned
last weekend. I'll tell you their
I love you and am so glad that
you will be in town again soon: it
can't be too soon for me. I love you.
I adore you
72470133 - hoskinml
thus making an article about abstract art in the next but one Art News.Before going home today I am having coffee at 6.00 with Roy Edwards who wrote that article on children in Sight & Sound. Tomorrow I am dining with Frank & Magda who returned last weekend. I'll tell you their news.
I love you and am so glad that you will be in town again soon : it can't be too soon for me. I love you.
adore you
WINNER - 72685400 - darryluk
thus making an article about abstract art in the next but one Art News.Before going home today I am having coffee at 6.00 with Roy Edwards who wrote that article on children in Sight & Sound. Tomorrow I am dining with Frances and Magda who returned last weekend. I'll tell you their news.
I love you and am so glad that you will be in town again soon: it can't be too soon for me. I love you.
I adore you
72713772 - Eloquens
has making an article about abstained out in the next but one News.Before going home today I am having coffee at 6.00 with Roy Edwards who wrote htat article on children in Singer and Sound. Tomorrow I am dining with Friends of Magda who returned east mechel. I'll tell you their news.
I love you and am so glad that you will be in town again soon: it can't be too soon for me. I love you.
adore you
72947500 - not-logged-in-c1681788486dc06f13ca
I'm reading an article about abstractart in the next issue of Art News.
Before going home today I am having
coffee at 6:00 with Roy Edwards who
wrote that article on Childe in sight
& Sound. Tomorrow I am dining
with Frans and Magda who returned
last weekend. I'll tell you their
I love you and am so glad that
you will be in town again soon: it
can't be too soon for me. I love you.
adore you
73073327 - jesseytucker
then making an articlea bout abstractout in the next but one Art News.
Before going home today I am having
coffee at 6.00 with Roy Edwards who
wrote that article on children in Single
and Sound. Tomorrow I am dining
with Frank and Magda who returned
last weeked. I'll tell ou their
I love you and am so glad that
you will be in town again soon: it
can't be too soon for me. I love you.
I adore you