- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.415
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 72613028 - racjohn
- 73004430 - not-logged-in-3a97b3c25296fb08fce4
- 73147320 - Molly_Carr
- 73402588 - Preacher357
- 73565011 - ChaoticK
- 73862403 - Zooniverse2017

WINNER - 72613028 - racjohn
[6-9-53]Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letters and thank you, too, for the 1.
that enabled me to buy food yesterday so I can stay at
home today & work. Otherwise I would have had to go to
Wimbledon to eat and I can't do much work there. I am
getting ready my Blake lecture (including Antal as you sug-
gested) and my Adrian Heath review.
By the way did I tell you that Rotherstein said that he
liked my Gimpel Fils review in Art News & was charming,
also, about my lectures?
You have had a lot of jobs to do. I hope that you can
paint regularly soon again and I am terribly glad
that your resurrection study of C is going so well.
Frank hasn't written music for Travel Agent as he was
too tired on his holiday. It will be written over the next
few weeks probably. Magda will see that it is. One
day in the next week Frank & I are going to work out
a popular programme for the BBC. I am to write the scripts -
lb15 or so a time.
I don't know if John is doing jewellery at present. But I
will ask him.
Paul Showell's sonnets don't sound as if they are lion's
fare but I am interested to hear of your favourable opin-
ion of them. You mention the last 4 lines as being work
73004430 - not-logged-in-3a97b3c25296fb08fce4
Dearest SylviaThank you for your letters and thank you, too for the [pound symbol]1.
That enabled me to buy food yesterday so I can stay at
home today & work. Otherwise I would have need to go to
Wimbledon to eat and I can't do much work there. I am
getting ready my Blake lecture (including Antal as you sug-
gested) and my Adrian Heath review.
By the way did I tell you that Rothenstein said that he
liked my Gimpel Fils review in Art News & was charming,
also, about my lectures?
You have had a lot of jobs to do. I hope that you can
paint regularly soon again and I am terribly glad
that your resurrection study of C is going so well.
Frank hasn't written music for Travel Agent as he was
too tired on his holiday. It will be written only the next
few weeks probably. Magda will see that it is. One
day in the next week Frank & I are going to work out
a popular programme for the BBC. I am to write the scripts -
15 or so a time.
I don't know if John is doing jewellery at present. But I
will ask him.
Pane Shewell's sonnets don't sound as if they are lion's
fare but I am interested to hear of your favorable opin-
ion of them. You mention the last 4 lines as being work
73147320 - Molly_Carr
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letters and thank you, too, for the 1 pound. That enabled me to buy food yesterday so I can stay at home today & work, otherwise I would have had to go to Wimbledon to eat and I can't do much work there. I am getting ready my Blake lecture ( including Antal as you suggested)
and my Adrian Heath review.
By the way did I tell you that Rathenstein said that he liked my simpel fils review in Art News & was charming also, about the lectures?
You have had a lot of jobs to do. I hope that you can paint regularly soon again and I am terribly glad that your resurrection study of C is going so well.
Frank hasn't written music for Travel Agent as he was too tired on his holiday. It will be written only the next few weeks probably. Magda will see that it is. One day in the next week Frank & I are going to work at a popular programme for the BBC. I am to write the scripts - $15 on so a time.
I don't know if John is doing jewellry at present. But I will ask him.
Pane Shewall's sonnets don't sound as if they are lion's fare but I am interested to hear of your favorable opinion of them. You mention the last 4 lives as hey work
73402588 - Preacher357
[6-9-53] Dearest SylviaThank you for your letters and thank you, too, for the 1.
That enabled me to but food yesterday so I can stay at
home today and work. Otherwise I would have had to go to
Wimbledon to eat and I can't do much work there. I am
getting ready my Blake lecture (including Antal as you sug-
gested and my Adran Heath review.
By the way, did I tell you that Rothenstein said that he
liked my Gimpel Fils review in Art News & was charming,
also, about my lectures?
You have had a lot of jobs to do. I hope that you can
paint regularly soon again and I am terribly glad
that your resurrection study of C is going so well.
Frank hasn't writen music for Travel Agent as he was
too tired on his holiday. It will be written over the next
few weeks probably. Magda will see that it is. One
day in the next week Frank & I are going to work out
a popular programme for the BBC. I am to write the scripts -
15 or so a time.
I don't know if John is doing jewellry at present. But I
will ask him.
Paul Showall's sonnets don't sound as if they are lion's
fare, but I am interested to hear of your favorable opin-
ion of them. You mention the last 4 lines as being weak
73565011 - ChaoticK
.na.character73862403 - Zooniverse2017
Dearest SylviaThank you for your letter and thank you, too, for the 1.
That enabled me to buy food yesterday so I can stay at
home today & work. Otherwise, I would have had to go to
Wimbledon to eat and I can't do much work there. I am
getting ready my Blake lecture (including Antal as you sug-
gested) and my Adrian Heath review.
By the way did I tell you that Rottenstein said that he
liked my Gimpel films review in Art News & was charming,
also, about my lectures?
You have had a lot of jobs to do. I hope that you can
paint regularly soon again and I am terribly glad
that your resurrection study of C is going so well.
Frank hasn't written music for Travel Agent as he was too tired on his holiday. It will be written over the next
few weeks probably. Magda will see that it is. One
day in the next week Frank & I are going to work out
a popular programme for the BBC. I am to write the scripts -
15 or so a time.
I don't know if John is doing generally at present. But I
will ask him.
Paul Shewell's sonnets don't sound as if they are lion's
fare but I am interested to hear of your favorable opin-
ion of them. You mention the last 4 lines as being work