- Max. dissimilarity: 0.156
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.094
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 72463815 - hoskinml
- 72513458 - wrightj2h
- 72673515 - Sticker88
- 72992634 - jmfahne
- 73426851 - the3esses
- 73439470 - tmeconverse

WINNER - 72463815 - hoskinml
The usual division of the sonnet is into 8 and 6 lines. If the last 4 are weak, presumably the whole sestet (lines 9-14) is weak? Or do I misunderstand what you mean? (I am busy on poetry myself which I will send you soon.)I shall expect you on or before 24th of this month. We can discuss exact times nearer the date.
The Conddls & John had a marvellous rest in Jugoslavia: good food and weather, swimming & sunbathing. They are look-ing forward to seeing you on your next visit to me.
If Michael is still there when this letter arrives perhaps you would tell him I will meet him at the ICA near 1.00 o'clock on Monday as he suggests. (I wish you were going to be there.)
Mother's American visitors - an architectural stu-dent & his wife - are charming. I enjoyed meeting them : I believe you would like them, too. I collected a deal of information about U.S. architecture - or rather, U.S. architects which is more amusing.
I love you. You are constantly in my thoughts. Oh how I love you. Soon now I should earn enough for us. I adore you, you are my life
love you
72513458 - wrightj2h
The usual division of the sonnet is into 8 and 6 lines - if the last 4 are weak presumably the whole sextet (line 9-14) is weak? Or do I misunderstand what you mean? (I am busy on poetry myself which I will send you soon.)I shall expect you on or before 24th of this month. We can discuss exact times nearer the date.
The Cordells & John had a marvellous rest in Jugoslavia: good food and weather, swimming and sunbathing. They are looking forward to seeing you on your next visit to me.
If Michael is still there when this letter arrives perhaps you would tell him I will meet him at the ICA near 1.00 o'clock on Monday as he suggests. (I wish you were going to be there.)
Mother's American visitors - an architectural student & his wife - are charming. I enjoyed meeting them; I believe you would like them, too. I collected a deal of information about U.S. architecture - or rather, U.S. architects which is more amusing.
I love you. You are constantly in my thoughts. Oh how I love you. Soon now I should have ways for us. I adore you, you are my life
I love you
72673515 - Sticker88
The usual division of the sonnet is into 8 and 6 lines. Ifthe last 4 are weak presumably the whole sestet (line
9-14) is weak? Or do I misunderstand what you mean?
(I am busy on poetry myself which I will send you soon.)
I shall expect you on or before 24th of this month. We
can discuss exact times nearer the date.
The Condells & John had a marvellous rest in Yugoslavia:
good food and weather, swimming & sunbathing. They are look-
ing forward to seeing you on your next visit to me.
If Michael is still there when this letter arrive perhaps
you would tell him I will meet him at the I C A near
1.00 o'clock on Monday as he suggests. (I wish you
were going to be there.)
Mother's American visitors - an architectural stu-
dent & his wife - are charming. I enjoyed meeting
them; I believe you would like them, too. I collected
a deal of information about U.S. architecture - or
rather, U'S. architects which is more amusing.
I love you. You are constantly in my thoughts. Oh
how I love you. Soon now I should earn enough
for us. I adore you, you are my life
love you
72992634 - jmfahne
The usual division of the sonnet is into 8 and 6 lines. If the last 4 are week presumably the whole sextet (line 9-14) is weak? Or do I misunderstand what you mean? (I am busy on poetry myself which I will send you soon.)I shall expect you on or before 24th of this month. We can discuss exact times nearer the date.
The Condells & John had a marvellous rest in Yugoslavia: good food and weather, swimming & sunbathing. They are looking forward to seeing you on your next visit to me.
If Michael is still there when this letter arrives perhaps you would tell him I will meet him at the ICA near 1.00 o'clock on Monday as he suggests. (I wish you were going to be there.)
Mother's American visitors - an architectural stu-dent & his wife - are charmin. I enjoyed meeting them: I believe you would ike them, too. I collected a deal of information about U.S. architectures - or rather, U.S. architects shich is more amusing.
I love you You are constantly in my thoughts. Oh how I love you. Soon now I should earn trays for us. I adore you, you are my life I love you Lawrence
73426851 - the3esses
The usual division of the sonnet is into 8 and 6 lines. If the last 4 are weak presumable the whole sestet (line 9-14) is weak? Or do I misunderstand what you mean? (I am busy on poetry myself which I will send you soon.)I shall expect you on or before 24th of this month. We can discuss exact time nearer the date.
The Cordells & John had a marvellous rest in Jugoslavia: good food and weather, swimming, & sunbathing. They are looking forward to seeing you on your next visit to me.
If Michael is still there when this letter arrives perhaps you would tell him I will meet him at the ICA near 1.00 o'clock on Monday as he suggests. (I wish you were going to be there.)
Mother's American visitors - an achitectural student & his wife -are charming. I enjoyed meeting them: i believe you would like them, too. I collected a deal of information about U.S. architecture - or rather, U.S. architects which is more amusing.
I love you. You are constantly in my thoughts. Oh how I love you. Soon now I should earn enough for us. I adore you, you are my life.
Love you
73439470 - tmeconverse
The usual division of the sonnet is into 8 and 6 lines. Ifthe last 4 are weak presumably the whole sestet (lines
9-14) is weak? Or do I misunderstand what you mean?
(I am busy on poetry myself which I will send you soon.)
I shall expect you on or before 24th of this month. We
can discuss exact times nearer the date.
The Cauddles & Joan had a marvellous rest in Juyoslavia:
good food and weather, swimming & sunbathing. They are look-
forward to seeing you on your next visit to me.
If Michael is still theew when this letter arrives perhaps
you would tell him I will meet him at the ICA near
1.00 o'clock on Monday as he suggests. ( wish you
were going to be there.)
Mother's American visitors - an architectural stu-
dent & his wife -are charming. I enjoyed meeting
them: I believe you would like them, too. I collected
a deal of information about U.S. architecture - or
rather, U.S. architects which is more amusing.
I love you. You are constantly in my thoughts. Oh
how I love you. soon now I should earn enough for us. I adore you, you are my life.
I love you