- Max. dissimilarity: 0.208
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.132
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72972627 - Preacher357
- 73562096 - ChaoticK
- 73635668 - jesseytucker
- 73886611 - jsprake
- 73899124 - not-logged-in-cc7f40b3f5cc758b3a0a
- WINNER - 73905148 - Zooniverse2017

72972627 - Preacher357
[1953] 4 October Blackheath Dearest Sylvia:I miss you very much. I am so glad that you will be back in
a week's time. I am counting the days and hours until then. I
hope that the Woods are agreeable and that the Savages are
pleasant in Diana's absence.
The film show was the end, so bad! Full of the crudest technique
and most vulgar opinions. Frank, John, and I ought to be
able to dominate the entire field. Frank & I have thought of an-
other subject: Victorian LONDON STATUES, part grave, but
really satirical. Perhaps with some distortions of the statues.
Kenneth Martin's show at the hospital of Blighgate was stun-
ning. He is even better than I thought. The way the mobiles
humanise the space at the children's ward is impressive and
exhilerating. Mazda & John came & were very appreciative
M was very agreeable on Saturday and his show was good,
better than he himself felt about it. I enjoyed my visit
and have done my best to catch my enthusiasm for the show
in my review. It contains almost all new work - not 1951
but 1952 and '53, even. I do wish you could have come
with me to see the show.
Well, lion must go to bed because, as you know, he has
a lot to do on Monday: V and A, C.O.I.D. (not
the C.I.D. please note), and the ICA. Finally the WEA
at Harpenden. Good night my love.
I adore you
73562096 - ChaoticK
Blackheath4 October
Dearest Sylvia:
I miss you very much. I am so glad that you will be back in a week's time. I am counting the days and hours until then. I hop that the woods are agreeable and that the savages are pleasant in Diana's absence.
The film show was the end, so bad! Full of the rudest technique and most vulgar opinions. Frank, John, and I ought to be able to dominate the entire field. Frank & I thought of an-other subject: Victorian LONDON STATUES, part grave, but really satirical. Perhaps with some distortions of the statues. Kenneth Martin's show at the hospital at Highgate was stunning. He is even better than I thought. The way the mobiles humanised the space of the children's ward is impressive and exhilarating. Moyda & John came & were very appreciative also.
M was very agreeable on Saturday and his show was good, better than he himself felt about it. I enjoyed my visit and have done my best to catch my enthusiasm for the show in my review. It contains almost all new work - not 1951 but 1952 and '53, even. I do wish you could have come with me to see the show.
Well, lion must go to bed because, as you know, he has a lot to do on Monday: V and A, C.O.I.D. (not the C.I.D. please note), and the ICA. Finally the WEA at Harperden. Good night my love
I adore you Lawrence
73635668 - jesseytucker
4 October
Dearest Sylvia:
I miss you very much. I am so glad that you will e back in
a week's time. I am counting the days and hours until then. I
hope that the Woods are agreeable and that the Savages are
pleasant in Diana's absence.
The film show was the end, so bad! Full of the crudest technique
and most vulgar opinions. Frank, John, and I ought to be
able to dominate the entire field. Frank and I have thought of you.
other subject: Victorian LONDON STATUES, part grave, but
really satirical. Perhaps with some distortions of the statues.
Kenneth Martin's show at the hospital at Highgate was stun-
ning. He is even better thatn I thought. They way the wobiles
humanise the space of the children's ward is impressive and
exhiliarating. Magda and John came and were ver appreciative
M was very agreeable on Saturday and his show as good,
better than he himself felt about it. I enjoyed my visit
and have done my best to catch my enthusasm fo the show
in my review. It contains almost all new work--not 1951
but 1952 and '53, even. I do wish you could have come
with me to see the show.
Well, Lion must go to bed ecause, as you know, he has
a lot to do on Monday: V and A, COIO (not
the CIO please note), and the ICA. Finally the WEA
at Harpenden. Good night my love.
I adore you
73886611 - jsprake
Blackheath [1953]4 October
Dearest Sylvia
I miss you very much. I am so glad that you will be back in a week's time. I am counting the days and hours until then. I hope that the Woods are agreeable and that the Savages are pleasant in Diana's absence.
The film show was the end, so bad! Full of the crudest technique and most vulgar opinions. Frank, John and I ought to be able to dominate the entire field. Frank & I have thought of another subject: Victorian LONDON STATUES, part grave, but really satirical. Perhaps with some distortions of the statues.
Kenneth Martin's show at the hospital of Highgate was stunning. He is even better than I thought. The way the humanize the space of the children's ward is impressive and exhilarating. Magda & John came and were very appreciative also.
M was very agreeable on Saturday and his show was good, better than he himself felt about it. I enjoyed my visit and have done my best to catch my enthusiasm for the show in my review. It contains almost all new work - not 1951 but 1952 and '53, even. I do wish you could have come with me to see the show.
Well, lion must go to bed because, as you know, he has a lot to do on Monday: Vard A, C.O.I.D. (not the C.I.D. please note), and the ICA. Finally the WEA at . Good night my love
Adore you
73899124 - not-logged-in-cc7f40b3f5cc758b3a0a
4 October
Dearest Sylvia:
I miss you very much. I am so glad you will be back in a week's time. I am counting the days and hours until then. I hope that the Woods are agreeable and that the Savages are pleasant in Diana's absence.
The film show was the end , so bad ! Full of the crudest technique and worst vulgar opinions. Frank, John, & I have thought of an-
other subject: Victorian LONDON STATUES, part grave , but really satirical. Perhaps with some distortions of the statues.
Kennett Mortin's show at the hospital at Wighgate was stun-
ning. He is even better than I thought. The way he wolinles humanise the space of the children's ward is impressive and exhilerating. Magda & Johnn came & were very appreciative also.
M was very agreeable on Saturday and his show was good, better than he himself felt about it. I enjoyed my visit and have done my best to catch my enthusiasm for the show in my review. It contains almost all new work - not 1951 but 1952 and '53, even. I do wish you could have come with me to see the show.
Well, Lion must go to bed because, as you know, he has a lot to do on Monday: V and A, C.O.I.D. (not the C.I.D. please note), and the ICA. Finally the WEA at Hampden . Good night my love
I adore you
WINNER - 73905148 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath4 October
Dearest Sylvia:
I miss you very much. I am so glad that you will be back in
a week's time. I am counting the days and hours until then. I
hope that the Woods are agreeable and that the Savages are
pleasant in Diana's absence.
The film show was the end, so bad! Full of the crudest techniques
and most vulgar opinions. Frank, John, and I ought to be
able to dominate the entire field. Frank & I have thought of an-
other subject: Victorian LONDON STATUES, part grave, but
really satirical. Perhaps with some distortions of the statues.
Kenneth Martin's show at the hospital at Highgate was stun-
ning. He is even better than I thought. The way the mobiles
humanize the space of the children's ward is impressive and
exhilarating. Magda & John came & were very appreciative
M was very agreeable on Saturday and his show was good,
better than he himself felt about it. I enjoyed my visit
and have done my best to catch my enthusiasm for the show
in my review. It contains almost all new work - not 1951
but 1952 and '53, even. I do wish you could have come
with me to see the show.
Well, lion must go to bed because, as you know, he has
a lot to do on Monday: Vard A, C.O.I.D. (not
the C.I.D please note), and the ICA. Finally the WEA
at Harpenden. Good night my love
I adore you