- Max. dissimilarity: 0.19
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.128
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71937720 - wrightj2h
- 72992370 - mdlincoln
- WINNER - 73375074 - tmeconverse
- 73562919 - ChaoticK
- 73892211 - Zooniverse2017
- 73995573 - Eboo

71937720 - wrightj2h
Blackheath6 October
Dearest Sylvia
I am as busy as we anticipated - but so far I have kept work under control. The Renoir lecture was successful - 150 people. I am giving an extra one later.
Wonderful news about Georgie - I am pleased. Also Georgie's advice sounded worth looking into. The Savages sound nice; give Beryl my love.
I don't think I can find a surveyor this week, but I will start enquiries this week, so we'll have him very shortly.
The only numbers I can find on a Blackheath bulb are these: 210-40W. Is that what you want? If not I'll try again.
Love the sketch of Lambeth Castle, I well remember our visit. I hope the weather does not hold up your work on it.
I enclose a copy of the last but one version of my review of M's sculpture show. I changed it a bit, but only a very little. This will give you a substantial impression I think of what will be printed.
No more people at Morpenden yet but I think that it should go on. Banstead tonight; I hope to get things straight there this evening.
See you Sunday. I love and adore you. Love you Lawrence
P.S. By all means come to the I.C.A. but I think you aught to go to the concert as the Greenwoods are being nice & it is so important to John. You can get a seat away from Michael's (if you tell Georgie). Really, if you can be careful about M, you should go. Love L.
72992370 - mdlincoln
Blackheath6 October
Dearest Sylvia:
I am as busy as we anticipated - but so far I have kept work under
control. The Renoir lecture was successful: ca 150 people. I am
giving an extra one later.
Wonderful new about Gerogie - I am pleased. Also George's
advice sounded worth looking ito. The Savages sound nice:
give Beryl my love.
I don't think I can find a surveyor this week, but I will start
enquiries this week, so we'll have him very shortly.
The only numbers I can find on a Blackheath bulb one there:
210-40W. Is that what you want? If not I'll try
Love the sketch of Cawdor Castle. I well remember our visit.
I hope the weather does not hold up your work on it.
I enclose a copy of the last but one version of my review
of M's sculpture show. I changed it a bit. But only a very
little. This will give you a substantial impressio I think
of what will be printed.
No more people at Harpenden yet but I think that it should
go on. Barnstead tonight: I hope to get things straght
there this evening.
See you Sunday. I love & adore you. love you
P.S. By all means coe to the KA but I think you ought to go to
the concert at teh Grenwoods one being since it is so important
to John. You can get a seat away from Michael's (if you
tell Georgie). Really if you can be careful about M. you
should go. Love L-
WINNER - 73375074 - tmeconverse
Blackheath6 October
Dearest Sylvia
I am as busy as we anticipated - but so far I have kept work under
control. The Revain lecture was successful: ca 150 people. I am
giving an extra one later.
Wonderful news about Georgie - I am pleased. Also, George's
advice sounded worth looking into. The Savages sound nice:
give Beryl my love.
I don't think I can find a surveyor this week, but I will start
enquires this week, so we'll have him very shortly.
The only numbers I can find on a Blackheath bulb are these:
210-40w. Is that what you want? If not I'll try
Love the sketch of Camber castle. I well remember our visit.
I hope the weather does not hold up your work on it.
I enclose a copy of the last but one version of my review
of M's sculpture show. I changed it a bit - but only a very
little. This will give you a substantial impression I think
of what will be printed.
No more people at Maryeden yet but I think that it should
go on. Barnstead tonight: I hope to get things straight
there this evening.
See you Sunday. I love & adore you. I love you
P.S. By all means come to the ICA but I think you ought to go to
the concert as the Greenwoods are being nice & it is so important
to John. You can get a seat away from Michael's' (if you
tell Georgie). Really, if you can be careful about M, you
should go. Love L.
73562919 - ChaoticK
Blackheath6 October
Dearest Sylvia
I am as busy as anticipated - but so far I have kept work under control. The Revais lecture was successful = ca 150 people. I am giving an extra one later.
Wonderful news about Georgie - I am pleased. Also George's advice sounded worth looking into. The Savages sound nice: give Beryl my love.
I don't think I can find a surveyer this week, but I will start enquiries this week, so we'll have him very shortly.
The only numeros I can find on a Blackheath bulb are there: 210 - 40W. Is that what you want? If not I'll try again.
Love the sketch of Lambes castle. I will remember our visit. I hope the weather does not hold up your work on it.
I enclose a copy of the last but one version of review of M's sculpture show. I changed it a bit - but only a very little. This will give you a substantial impression I think of what will be printed.
No more people at the Harpenden yet but I think that it should go on. Banstead tonight: I hope to get things straight there this evening.
See you Sunday. I love & adore you. I love you Lawrence
P.S. By all means come to the ICA but I think you ought to go to the concert as the Greenwoods are being nice & it is so important to John. You can get a seat away from Michael's (if you tell Georgie). Really, if you can be careful about M, you should go. Love L.
73892211 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath6 October
Dearest Sylvia
I am as busy as one anticipated - but so far I have kept work under
control. The Revoir lecture was successful: ca. 150 people. I am
giving an extra one later.
Wonderful news about Georgie - I am pleased. Also, George's
advice sounded worth looking into. The Savages sound nice:
give Beryl my love.
I don't think I can find a surveyor this week, but I will start
enquires this week, so will have him very shortly.
The only numeros I can find on a Blackheath bulb are these:
210 - 40w. Is that what you want? If not I'll try
Love the sketch of Camden castle. I well remember our visit.
I hope the weather does not hold up your work on it.
I enclose a copy of the last but one version of my review
of M's sculpture show. I changed it a bit, but only a very
little. This will give you a substantial impression I think
of what will be printed.
No more people at Harpenden yet but I think that it should
go on. Banstead tonight: I hope to get things straight
there this evening.
See you Sunday. I love & adore you. love you
P.S. By all means, come to the ICA but I think you ought to go to
the concert as the Greenwoods are being nice & it is so important
to John. You can get a seat away from Michael's (if you
tell Georgie=. Really, if you can be careful about M, you
should go. Love L.
73995573 - Eboo
Blackheath6 October
Dearest Sylvia
I am as busy as we anticipated - but so far I have kept work under
control. The Revais lecture was successful = ca 150 people. I am
giving an extra one later.
Wonderful news about Georgie - I am pleased. Also, George's
advice sounded worth looking into. The Savages sound nice:
give Beryl my love.
I don't think I can find a surveyor this week, but I will start
enquiries this week, so we'll have him very shortly.
The only numbers I can find on a Blackheath bulb are these:
210-40W. Is that what you want? If not I'll try
Love the sketch of Camber Castle. I well remember our visit.
I hope the weather does not hold up your work on it.
I enclose a copy of the last but one revision of my review
of M's sculpture show. I changed it a bit, but only a very
little. This will give you a substantial impression I think
of what will be painted.
No more people at the Harpenden yet but I think that it should
go on. Barstead tonight. I hope to get things straight
there this evening.
See you Sunday. I love adore you. Love you
P.S. By all means come to the ICA but I think you might to go to
the concert as the Greenwoods are being wise it is so important
to John. You can get a seat away from Michael's (if you
tell Georgie). Really, if you can be careful about M, you
should go. Love L.