- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.419
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72471548 - not-logged-in-0f444116df99bf7bb8c9
- WINNER - 73669830 - tmeconverse
- 73710053 - the3esses
- 73762581 - k8mielke
- 73776760 - ChaoticK
- 73881258 - Zooniverse2017

72471548 - not-logged-in-0f444116df99bf7bb8c9
WINNER - 73669830 - tmeconverse
21 OCT 53My dearest Sylvia
Your letter cheered me up very much with its news that
you had seen Diana, were going to see Beryl, & that the Woods
are behaving agreeably. And I am very relieved that
your 'cold' feelings have cleared up. Good. Yes, I should
certainly go to the Rye artists if I were you: apart from
personal reasons, we do agree in supporting local
organizations. Speaking of local organizations the Mans-
bridges' party consisted of about 17 people, including Betty Swen-
wird & Ian something-something who we met with Manbridge once.
Bill was there, too: he asked after you warmly. it was very
pleasant. I met someone who can arrange for us to see Van-
brugh Castle which is something we have always wanted.
Forgive my writing but I am doing this in the train going to Wimbledon.
I feel terrible: cold very thick, neuralgia, headache. I fear
I must cancel Barnstead tonight. If I keep on working late at night
I shall never throw the bloody thing off.perhaps bed with rum
will do it tonight.
I note with relief & pleasure what Tiny says about the lease
of 46. i suppose 20 years is not much out of 70 after all.
That's excellent.
The train is drawing near to London Bridge. I must close. I love you.
I Love you
Kisses from Hetty
73710053 - the3esses
21 OCT 53My dearest Sylvia
with its news that you had seen Diana, were going to see Beryl, & that the Woods are behaving agreeably. And I am very relieved that your 'cold' feelings have cleared up. Good. Yes, I should certainly go to the Rye artists if I were you: apart from personal reasons, we do agree in supporting local organisation. Speaking of local organisations the Mansbridge's party consisted of about 17 people, including Betty Swanwich & Ian something-something who we met with Mansbridge once. Bill was there, too : he asked after you warmly. It was very pleasant. I met someone who can arrange for us to see Van-burgh Castle which is something we have always wanted.
Forgive my writing but I am doing this in the train going to Wimbledon.
I feel terrible: cold very thick, neuralgia, headache. I fear I must cancel Banstead tonight. If I keep on working late at night I shall never throw the bloody thing off. Perhaps bed with rum will do it tonight.
I note with relief & pleasure what Tiny says about the lease of 46. I suppose 20 years is not much out of 70 after all. That's excellent.
The train is drawing near to London Bridge. I must close.
I love you love you
kisses from Hetty
73762581 - k8mielke
21 Oct 53My dearest Sylvia
Your letter cheated me up very much with its news that you had seen Diana, were going to see Beryl, & that the Woods are helaning agreeably. And I am very relieved that your 'coldy' feelings have cleared up, good. Yes, I slowed certainly go to the Rye artists if I were you: apart from personal reasons, we do agree - supporting local organization. Speaking of local organization the Mansbridges party consisted of about 17 people, including Betty Swan, Will & Ian something-something who we met with Mansbridge once. Rill was there, too: he asked after you warmly. It was very pleasant. I met someone who can arrange for us to see Vanbrugh Cartho which is something we have always wanted.
Forgive my writing but I am going this in the train going to Wimbledon. I feel terrible: cold very thick, neuralgia, headache. I fear I must carpel Bamstead tonight. If I keep on working late at night I shall never throw the bloody thing off. Perhaps will with rum will do it tonight.
I vote with relief & pleasure what Tiny says about the least of 46. I suppose 20 years is not much out of 70 after all. That's excellent.
The train is drawing near to London Bridge. I must close.
I love you.
I love you Lawrence XXXXXXXXXXX
Kisses from Hetty
73776760 - ChaoticK
21 Oct 53My dearest Sylvia
Your letter cheered me up very much with its news that you had seen Diana, were going to see Beryl, & that the Woods are behaving agreeably. And I am very relieved that your 'coldy' feelings have cleared up. Good. Yes, I should certainly go to see Rye artists if I were you: apart from personal reasons, we do agree - supporting local organisations. Speaking of local organisations the Mans- bridges party consisted of about 17 people, including Betty Swan- wich & Lam something-something who we met with Mansbridge once. Rill was there, too: he asked after you warmly. It was very pleasant. I met someone who can arrange for us to see Van- brugh Castle which is something we have always wanted.
Forgive my writing but I am doing this in the train going to Wimbledon. I feel terrible: cold very thick, neuralgia, headache. I fear I must cancel Banstead tonight. If I keep on working late at night I shall never throw the bloody thing off. Perhaps with rum I'll do it tonight.
I note with relief & pleasure what Tiny says about the lease of 46. I suppose 20 years is not much out of 70 after all. That's excellent.
The train is drawing near to London Bridge. I must close. I love you. I love you Lawrence xxxxxxxxxxx Kisses from Hetty.
73881258 - Zooniverse2017
21 OCT 53My dearest Sylvia
Your letter cheered me up very much with its news that
you had seen Diana, were going to see Beryl & that the Woods
are behaving agreeably. And I am very relieved that
your 'cold' feelings have cleared up. Good. Yes, I should
certainly go to the Rye artists if I were you: apart from
personal reason, we do agree in supporting local
organisations. Speaking of local organisations the Mans-
bridge's party consisted of about 17 people, including Beth Swan-
wich & Ian something-something who we met with Mansbridge once.
Rill was there, too: he asked of you warmly. It was very
pleasant. I met someone who can arrange for us to see Van-
brugh Castle which is something we have always wanted.
Forgive my writing but I am doing this in the train going to Wimbledon.
I feel terrible: cold very thick, neuralgia, headache. I fear
I must cancel Banstead tonight. If I keep on working late at night
I shall never throw the bloody thing off. Perhaps tea with rum
will do it tonight.
I note with relief & pleasure what Tiny says about the lease
of 46. I suppose 20 years is not much out of 70 after all.
That's excellent.
The train is drawing near to London Bridge. I must close.
I love you.
love you
kisses from Hetty