- Max. dissimilarity: 0.267
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.172
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71916912 - hoskinml
- WINNER - 72342872 - ethomson
- 72583869 - wrightj2h
- 73512759 - jesseytucker
- 73535099 - not-logged-in-6d5312a0c97cbb8eae44
- 73562032 - darryluk

71916912 - hoskinml
Blackheath [23-10-53]Friday
Dearest Sylvia:
It has rained since I got up but now the sun is out and I hope I shall not get wet when I go out today. Today my cold is rather better so I have a great reluctance to get it worse again. I doubt if the weather will have permitted you to go to Camber yet, however. Still you have your cartoon to work on, of course.
I wonder what the estimate for moving your furniture will be?
I had an opportunity for lifemanship at the Mansbridges the other day. Lou ___.___ had been to Italy and I was able to say - 'of course, you saw the Signorelli 'ech?', and so on. As he hadn't it was a victory to Mr Potter's principles. ('Oh. You didn't see it? Umm.)
Did I tell you Mansbridge is a Cocteau admirer? He lent me a book with articles about Chirico & Miro: Cocteau points out that Miro was influenced by Felix the Cat film cartoons.
A book has come from America for me. It was remaindered & father ordered it for me at the cost of about 35 cents. It is Chas. Henri Ford's Sleep In a Nest of Flames. Half of the book reprints The Overturned Lake - but half is of newer poems, some of them fascinating (you know how much I like him). Edith Sitwell wrote the introduction which I am not really happy about: it is Noble & Sons -
WINNER - 72342872 - ethomson
Dearest Sylvia:
It has rained since I got up but now the sun is out and I
hope I shall not get wet when I go out today. Today my
cold is rather better so I have a great reluctance to get it
worse again. I doubt if the weather will have permitted
you to go to Camber yet, however. Still you have your
cartoon to work on, of course.
I wonder what the estimate for moving your furniture
will be?
I had an opportunity for lifemanship at the Mansbridges
the other day. Ian -.- had been to Italy and I was able
to say - 'Of course, you saw the Signorelli' exh?', and
so on. As he hadn't it was a victory to Mr Potter's
principles. ('Oh. You didn't see it? Ummm.)
Did I tell you Mansbridge is a Cocteau admirer? He
lent me a book with articles about Chirico & Miro:
Cocteau points out that Miro was influenced by Felix the Cat
film cartoon.
A book has come from America for me. I was remaindered
& father ordered it for me at the cost of about 35 cents.
It is Chas. Henry Ford's Sleep in a Nest of Flowers. Half
of the book reprints The Overturned Lake - but half is of
newer poems, some of them fascinating (you know how
much I like him). Edith Sitwell wrote the introduction
which I am not really happy about : it is noble & some-
72583869 - wrightj2h
Dearest Sylvia
It has rained since I got up but now the sun is out and I hope I shall not get wet when I go out today. Today my cold is rather better so I have a great reluctance to get it worse again. I doubt if the weather will have permitted you to go to Camden yet, however. Still you have your cartoon to work on, of course.
I wonder what the estimate for moving your furniture will be?
I had an opportunity for lifemanship at the Mainbridges the other day. Ian had been to Italy and I was able to say - 'of course you saw the Signorelli's?', and so on. As he hadn't it was a victory to Mr Potter's principles. ('Oh. You didn't see it? Hmmm.)
Did I tell you Mainbridge is a Cocteau admirer? He lent me a book with articles about Chirico & Miro: Cocteau points out that Miro was influenced by Felix The Cat film cartoon.
A book has come from America for me. It was remaindered and father ordered it for me at the cost of about 35 cents. It is Chas. Henry Ford's Sleep In A Nest Of Flames. Half of the book reprints The Overturned Lake - but half is of newer poems, some of them fascinating (you know how much I like him). Edith Sitwell wrote the introduction which I am not really happy about: it is noble & some-
73512759 - jesseytucker
Dearest Syvia:
It has rained since I got up but now the sun is out and I
hope I shall not get wet when I go out today. Today my
cold is rather better so I have a great reluctance to get it
here again. I doubt if the weather will have permitted
you to go to Camden yet, however. Still you love your
cartoon to work on, of course.
I wonder what the estimate for moving your furniture
will be?
I had an opportunity for lifemanship at the Mansbridges
Heather day. Ian ahd not been to Italy and I was able
to say--'of course, you saw the symporelli esh?', and
so on. As he hadn't it was a victory to Mr. Potter's
principles. ('Oh. You didn't ee it? Umm.)
Did I tell you Mansbridge is a cocteau admirer? He
lent me a book with article about chiries and Mrs.:
cocteau paintsout that Miro was influenced and Felix the Cat
film cartoon.
A book has come from American for me. It won remandeed
a rather ordered it for me at the cost of about 35 cents.
It is Ellas. Henri Ford's Sleep In a Nest of Flower. Half
of the owrk reprints The Overturned Lalce--but half is of
newer poems, some of the fascinating (you kno whow
much I like him). Edith Sitwell wrote the introduction
which I am not really happy about it: it is noble and some-
73535099 - not-logged-in-6d5312a0c97cbb8eae44
Dearest Sylvia:
It has rained since I got up but now the sun is out and I
hope I shall not get wet when I go out Friday. Today my
cold is rather better so I have a great reluctance to get it
worse again. I doubt if the weather will have permitted
you to go to Camden yet, however. Still you have your
cartoon to work on, of course.
I wonder what the estimate for moving your furniture will be?
I had an opportunity for lifemanship at the mansbridges
the other day. Ian _ . _ has been to Italy and I was able
to say - 'of course, you saw the sinporelli'exs?', and
so on. As he hadn't it was a victory to Mr Potter's
principles. ('Oh. You didn't see it? Umm.)
Did I tell you Mambridge is a Cortean admirer? He
lent me a book with articles about Cairico & Miro:
Cortean points out that Miro was influenced by Fleix the Cat
film cartoon.
A book has come from America for me. It was remaindered
a father ordered it for me at the cost of about 35 cents.
It is this. Henri Ford's Sleep In a Nest of Flames. Half
of the book reprints The Ornamental Lake - but half is of
newer poems, some of them fascinating (you know how
much I like him). Edith Sitwell wrote the introduction
which I am not really happy about: it is noble & some-
73562032 - darryluk
Dearest Sylvia:
It has rained since I got up but now the sun is out and I hope I shall not get wet when I go out today. Today my cold is rather better so I have a great reluctance to get it worse again. I doubt if the weather will have permitted you to go to Camber yet, however. Still you have your cartoon to work on, of course.
I wonder what the estimate for moving your furniture will be?
I had an opportunity for lifemanship at the Mansbridges the othe day. Ian -.- had been to Italy and I was able to say - 'of course, you saw the signorelli' exh?, and so on. As he hadn't it was a victory to Mr Potters' principles. ('oh. You didn't see it? Umm.)
Did I tell you Mansbridge is a Cocteau admirer? He lent me a book with articles about Chinico & Muro: CocteFelix the Cat film cartoons.
A book has come from America for me. It was remaindered & father ordered it for me at the cost of about 3.5 cents. It is Chas. Henri Ford's Sleep In a Nest of Flowers. Half of the book reprints the Overturned Lake - but half is of newer poems, some of the fascinating (you know how much I like him). Edith Sitwell wrote the introduction which I am nor really happy about: it is noble & some-