- Max. dissimilarity: 0.196
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.114
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71779487 - mlesullivan
- 71797621 - akoconnor
- 71929386 - not-logged-in-a9c9b6368fdf05d80e16
- WINNER - 71981468 - racjohn
- 72594864 - Preacher357
- 72822837 - landfordjohnmartin

71779487 - mlesullivan
BlackheartSunday [25-10-53]
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you so very much for the books about Pit - a - Pat and Tawny. They are absolutely wonderful - good drawings, good words, and so tempting to touch. The forgetful cat & the vain lion : what wonderful characters. oh I adored them. Thank you again. Where did you find them?
I received your telegram and I'll see about the survey one right away. If we don't hear tomorrow I shall call on Foster & Foster about your offer for 46. Should 46 not come into our possession I think Paddington is a wonderful idea. I will go to the agencies you mentioned if it is humanly possible.
Good news about Miss Newsham and the Bath picture. I hope the Brunskills make themselves useful at last. Do you think they will? How was the Rye artists?
Apart from Harpodon & Banstead I have 2 lectures at the T.G. this week and, on Friday afternoon, the judging of Goldsmiths' students work. I recall it was last Friday I cancelled it. So now I can do it after all.
Tho' 5 lectures is not, I suppose, very many - I shall probably have a good deal of writing to do. I had a heavy mail on Saturday which included a letter from David Sylvester. He is editing a series of articles for Encounter and he wants me to do one. That'll mean about L30. the Klea symposium at the ICA may go into the Encounter, also; so I have to get that ready quickly. Finally I may be writing a survey of British Non-Figurative Art for the Italian periodical ARTI VISIVE. The editor asked Paolozzi to
71797621 - akoconnor
Blackheath [25 - 10 - 53]Sunday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you so very much for the books about Pit-a-Pat and
Tarny. They are absolutely wonderful - good drawings,
good words, and so tempting to touch. The forgetful cat &
the vain lion: what wonderful characters, and I adored
them. Thank you again. Where did you find them?
I received your telegram and I'll see about the survey
right away. If we don't hear tomorrow I shall call on Foster
& Foster about your offer for 46. Should 46 not come into
my possession I think Paddington is a wonderful idea. I
will got to the agencies you mention if it is humanly possible.
Good news about Miss N Ersham and the Bath picture. I hope
the Brunschulls made themselves useful at last. Do you think
they will? How was the Rye artists?
Apart from Harperden & Banstead I have 2 lectures at the T.S.
this week and, on Friday afternoon, the judging of Golds-
miths' students work. I thought it was last Friday & cancelled
it. So now I can do it after all.
The 5 lectures is not, I suppose, very heavy - I shall probably
have a good deal of writing to do. I had a heavy mail on
Saturday which included a letter from David Sylvester. He
is editing a series of articles for Encounter and he wants me
to do one. That'll mean about 30. Porrias the Klea
symposium at the ICA may go into Encounter , also; so I
have to get that ready quickly. Finally, I may be writing
a survey of British Non-Figurative Art for the Italian
71929386 - not-logged-in-a9c9b6368fdf05d80e16
Blackheath [25-10-53]Sunday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you so very much for the books about Pit-a-Pat and
Tawny. They are absolutely wonderful - good drawings,
good words, and so tempting to touch. The forgetful cat &
the vain lion: what wonderful characters. Oh I adored
them. Thank you again. Where did you find them?
I received your telegram and I'll see about the survey or
right away. If we don't hear tomorrow I shall call on Foster
& Foster about your offer for 46. Should 46 not come into
our possession I think Paddington is a wonderful idea. I
will go to the agencies you mention it it is humanly possible.
Good new about Miss Neuslam and the Bath picture. I hope
the Brunshulbs make themselves useful at last. Do you think
they will? How was the Rye artists?
Apart from Harpenden & Banstead I have 2 lectures at the T.G.
this week and, on Friday afternoon, the judging of Golds-
miths' students work. I thought it was last Friday & cancelled
it, so now I can do if after all.
This 5 lectures is not I suppose, very heavy - I shall probably
have a good deal of writing to do. I had a heavy wail on
Saturday which included a letter from David Sylvester. He
is editing a series of articles for Encounter and he wants me
to do one. That'll mean about lb30. Powning the Klea
symposium at the ICA may go into Encounter, also; so I
hope to get that ready quickly. Finally, I may be
writing a survey of British Non-Figurative Art for the Italian
periodical ARTI VISIVE. The editor asked Paolezzi to
WINNER - 71981468 - racjohn
Blackheath [25-10-53]Sunday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you so very much for the books about Pit-a-Pat and
Tawny. they are absolutely wonderful - good drawings,
good words, and so tempting to touch. the forgetful cat &
the vain lion: what wonderful characters. Oh I adored
them. Thank you again. where did you find them?
I received your telegram and I'll see about the surveyor
right away. If we don't hear tomorrow I shall call on Foster
& Foster about your offer for 46. Should 46 not come into
our possession I think Paddington is a wonderful idea. I
will go to the agencies you mention if it is humanly possible.
Good news about Miss Newsham and the Bath picture. I hope
the Brunskulls make themselves useful at last. do you think
they will? How was the Rye artists?
Apart from Harpenden & Banstead I have 2 lectures at the T.G.
this week and, on Friday afternoon, the judging of Golds-
miths' students work. I thought it was last Friday & cancelled
it. So now I can do it after all.
Tho' 5 lectures is not, I suppose, very heavy - I shall probably
have a good deal of writing to do. I had a heavy mail on
Saturday which included a letter from David Sylvester. He
is editing a series of articles for Encounter and he wants me
to do one. That'll mean about 30. Possibly the Klea
symposium at the ICA may go into encounter, also; so I
hope to get that ready quickly. Finally, I may be writing
a survey of British Non-Figurative Art for the Italian
periodical ARTI VISIVE. The editor asked Paolozzi to
72594864 - Preacher357
[25-10-53] Sunday Blackheath Dearest SylviaThank you so very much for the books about Pit-a-Pat and
Tawny. They are absolutely wonderful - good drawings,
good words, and so tempting to touch. The forgetful cat &
the vain Lion: what wonderful characters. Oh I adored
them. Thank you again. Where did you find them?
I received your telegram and I'll see about the surveyor right away. If we don't hear tomorrow I shall call on Foster
& Foster about your offer for 46. Should 46 not come into
our possession I think Paddington is a wonderful idea. I
will to to the agencies you mention if it is humanly possible.
Good news about Miss Newsham and the Bath picture. I hope
the Brunshulls make themselves useful at last. Do you think
they will? How was the Rye artists?
Apart from Harpenden & Banstead I have 2 lectures at the T.G.
this week, and on Friday afternoon, the judging of Golds-
miths' students work. I thought it was last Friday & cancelled
it. So now I can do it after all.
Tho' 5 lectures is not, I suppose, very heavy - I shall probably
have a good deal of writing to do. I had a heavy mail on
Saturday which included a letter from David Sylvester. He
is editing a series of articles for Encounter and he wants me
to do one. That'll mean about 30. Possibly the Klee
symposium at the ICA may go into Encounter, also; so I
have to get that ready quickly. Finally, I may be writing
a survey of British Non-Figurative Art for the Italian
periodical Arti Visive. The editor asked Paolozzi to
72822837 - landfordjohnmartin
Blackheath [25-10-53]Sunday
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you so very much for the books about Pit-a-Pat and Tawny. They are absolutely wonderful - good drawings, good words, and so tempting to touch. The forgetful cat & the vain lion: what wonderful characters. Oh, I adored them. Thank you again. Where did you find them?
I received your telegram and I'll see about the surveyor right away. If we don't hear tomorrow I shall call on Foster & Foster about your offer for 46. Should 46 not come into our possession, I think Paddington is a wonderful idea. I will go to the agencies you mention if it is humanly possible.
Good news about Miss Newsham and the Bath picture. I hope the Brunshulls make themselves useful at last. Do you think they will? How was the Rye artists?
Sport from Harpenden & Banstead, I have 2 lectures at the T.G. this week, and on Friday afternoon, the judging of Goldsmith's students' work. I thought it was last Friday and cancelled it. So now I can do it after all.
Though 5 lectures is not, I suppose, very heavy - I shall probably have a good deal of writing to do. I had a heavy mail on Saturday which included a letter from David Sylvester. He is editing a series of articles for Encounter and he wants me to do one. That'll mean about lb30. Possibly the Klea symposium at the ICA may go into Encounter also; so I have to get that ready quickly. Finally, I may be writing a survey of British Non-Figurative Art for the Italian periodical ARTI VISIVE. The editor asked Paolozzi to