- Max. dissimilarity: 0.118
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.08
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71934191 - RommelC
- 72227231 - Zooniverse2017
- 72965923 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 73544129 - glt
- 73632189 - not-logged-in-b713313893e058219a51
- 73697155 - Moggsy8

71934191 - RommelC
do it; Paolozzi- through Pasmore- has asked me to do it. It's not definite yet but it is a likely prospect. (And as you know I am preparing the "Art News" article.)I went to Pasmore's last night. He was pleased about the "Architecural Review" and about the Cambridge Show.
Speaking of Cambridge, I am sorry M is pestering you. But I hope Tiny's letter will do what is needed. Obviously you must on no account write.
Today i shall write quite a lot (I hope) and prepare Harpenden: subjects - Perret, Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright. Then late at night and exhausted I shall read myself to sleep with science-fiction. You know I had dinner with Theo Gaudies ((Auro Monbattan) the other day: his next novel is going to be a science-fiction story. We argued S.F. all evening which was very stimulating.
I look forward to seeing the Winter Odalisque now you have worked on it again. Enjoy Rye with Diana on Monday.
I love you I love you
72227231 - Zooniverse2017
do it; Paolozzi - through Pasmore - has asked me to do it.It's not definite yet but it is a likely prospect. (And as you
know I am preparing the Art News article.)
I went to Pasmore's last night. He was pleased about the Arch-
itectural Review and about the Cambridge Show.
Speaking of Cambridge, I am sorry M is pestering you. But
I hope Tiny's letter will do what is needed. Obviously you
must on no account write.
Today I shall write quite a lot (I hope) and prepare Harper-
den: subjects. Perret, Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright. Then
late at night & exhausted I shall read myself to sleep with
science-fiction. You know I had dinner with Theo Goudier
('Auro Manhattan') the other day: his next novel is going to
be a science-fiction story. We argued S.F. all evening which
was very stimulating.
I look forward to seeing the Winter Odalisque now you have worked
on it again. Bryan Rye with Diana on Monday.
I love you I love you
72965923 - Preacher357
do it; Paolozzi - through Pasmore - has asked me to do it.It's not definite yet but it is a likely prospect. (And as you
know I am preparing the Art News article.)
I went to Pasmore's last night. He was pleased about the Arch-
itectureal Review and about the Cambridge Show.
Speaking of Cambridge, I am sorry M is pestering you. But
I hope Tiny's letter will do what is needed. Obviously you
must on no account write.
Today I shall write quite a lot (I hope) and prepare Harpen-
den: subjects - Perret, Gropius, Frank lLoyd Wright. Then
late at night & exhausted I shall read myself to sleep with
science-fiction. You know I had dinner with Theo Gaudier
('Amro Monlatta') the other day: his next novel is going to
be a science-fiction story. We argued S-F all evening which
was very stimulating.
I look forward to seeing the Winter Odalisque now you have worked
on it again. Enjoy Rye with Diana on Monday.
I love you love you
WINNER - 73544129 - glt
do it; Paolozzi - through Pasmore - has asked me to do it. It's not definite yet but it is a likely prospect. (and as you know I am preparing the Art News article.)I went to Pasmore's last night. He was pleased about the Architectural Review and about the Cambridge Show.
Speaking of Cambridge: I am sorry M is pestering you. But I hope Tiny's letter will do what is needed. Obviously you must on no account write.
Today I shall write quite a lot (I hope) and prepare Harpenden: subjects - Perret, Gropius, Frank LLoyd Wright. Then late at night exhausted I shall read myself to sleep with science-fiction. You know I had dinner with Theo Goudier ('Avro Manhattan') the other day: his next novel is going to be a science fiction story. We argued S. F all evening which was very stimulating.
I look forward to seeing the Winter Odalisque now you have worked on it again. Enjoy Rye with Diana on Monday.
I love you love you
73632189 - not-logged-in-b713313893e058219a51
do it: Paologgi-through Pasmore-has asked me to do it. It's not definite yet but it is a likely prospect. (And as you know I am preparing the Art News article).I went to Pasmore's last night. He was pleased about the Architectural Review and about the Cambridge show.
Speaking of Cambridge, I am sorry M is pestering you. But I hope Tiny's letter will do what is needed. Obviously you must on no account write.
Today I shall write quite a lot (I hope) and prepare Harperden: subjects-Perret, Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright. Then late at night & exhausted I shall read myself to sleep with science-fiction. You know I had dinner with Theo Goudier ('Auro Monbatten') the other day: his next novel is going to be a science-fiction story. We argued S.F. all evening which was very stimulating.
I look forward to seeing the Winter Odalisque now you have worked on it again. Enjoy Rye with Diana on Monday.
I love you love you
73697155 - Moggsy8
do it; Paolozzi - through Pasmore - has asked me to do it. It's not definite yet but it is a likely prospect. (And as you know I am preparing the Art News article.)I went to Pasmore's last night. He was pleased about the Architectural Review and about the Cambridge Show.
Speaking of Cambridge: I am sorry M is pestering you. But I hope Tiny's letter will do what is needed. Obviously you must on no account write.
Today I shall write quite a lot (I hope) and prepare Harpenden: subjects - Perret, Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright. Then late at night and exhausted I shall read myself to sleep with science-fiction. You know I had dinner with Theo Gaudier ('Amro Monlatta') the other day: his next novel is going to be a science-fiction story. We argued S.F all evening which was very stimulating.
I look forward to seeing the Winter Odalisque now you have worked on it again. Enjoy Rye with Diora on Monday.
I love you love you