- Max. dissimilarity: 0.291
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.18
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71910074 - jsprake
- 72818428 - hoskinml
- 73202729 - mcathzoo
- 73255720 - jesseytucker
- 73427219 - budone
- WINNER - 73636082 - Zooniverse2017

71910074 - jsprake
that at 36 I am sure you will be very productive once again.I am really catching up on my sleep - at last: I slept until 12.30 yesterday and until 10:45 today. I needed it. I am not trying to do any work at all today or tomorrow (and I spent yesterday with the Cordellls - absolutely idle). Hosperden? tonight, of course - and I may go to the mackinto? exhibition late this afternoon, if I feel like it. (I am reading some science-fiction, too, which is pleasant after the driving work of the last few weeks. I can even read Aunt Doe's New Yorkers now.)
Hasn't the weather been nice? Today is like - well, like a mild afternoon in early December.
I've got Ernst Kris' Psychoanalytic Explorations in Art to review for Art News & Review. It looks absolutely brilliant. (He even discusses 7 Types of Ambiguity: which makes Kris more than is usual among the doctors.)
Well - lion plans to have a long, bath now (see over leaf). I love you so much, dearest love, I love you - you are my life.
Love you
72818428 - hoskinml
tled at 36 I am sure you will be very productive once again.I am really catching up on my sleep - at last: I slept until 12/30 yesterday and until 10.45 today. I needed it. I am not trying to do any work at all today or tomorrow (and I spent yes-terday with the Cordells - absolutely idle). Har-penden tonight, of course - and I may go to the Mackintosh exhibition late this after-noon, if I feel like it. (I am reading some science-fiction, too, which is pleasant after the driving work of the last few weeks. I can even read Aunt Dee's New Yorker now.)
Hasn't the weather been nice? Today is like - well, like a mild afternoon in early December.
I've got Ernst Kris' Psychoanalytic Explorations - Art to review for Art News & Review. IC looks also-lutely brilliant. (He even discusses Empson's 7 Types of Ambiguity: which makes Kris more hep than is usual among the doctors.)
Well - lion plans to have a long, languorous bath now (see over leaf). I love you so much, dear-est love, I love you - you are my life
love you
73202729 - mcathzoo
tled at 36 I am sure you will be very productiveone again.
I am really catching up on my sleep - at last: I
slept until 12.30 yesterday and until 10.45
today. I needed it. I am not trying to do any
work at all today or tomorrow (and I spent yes-
terday with the Cordells - absolutely idle). Mor-
perden tonight, of course - and I may go to the mockintored exhibition late this after-
noon, if I feel like it. (I am reading some
science-fiction, too, which is pleasant after the
driving work of the last few weeks. I can even
read Aunt Doe's New Yorkers now.)
Hasn't the weather been nice? Today is like - well,
like a mild afternoon in early December
I've got Ernst Kris' Psychoanalitic Experations;
Art to review for Art News and Review. IC looks abso-
lutely brilliant ( (He even discusses Emperor's 7
Types of Ambiguity: which makes Kris more hep
than is usual among the doctors.)
Well - lion plans to a have a long, langerous bath
now (see over leaf ). I love you so much, dear-
est love, I love you. You are my life
Love you
73255720 - jesseytucker
that at 36 I am sure you will be very productiveonce again.
I am really catching up on my sleep--at last: I
slept until 12.30 yesterday and until 10 as
today. I needed it. I am not trying to do any
work at all today or tomorrow (and I spent yes-
terday with the Cordells--absolutely idle). Har-
penden tonight, of course--and I may go to
the Mockingbird exhibition late this after-
noon, if I feel like it. (I am reading some
science-fiction, too, which is pleasant after the
driving work of the last few weeks. I can even
read Aunt Doe's New Yorker now.)
Hasn't the weather been nice? Today is like--well,
like a mild afternoon in early December
I've got Ernst Kris' Psychoanalytic Explorations in
Art to review for Art News and Review. It looks abso-
lutely brilliant. (He even discusses Empron's 7
Types of Ambiguity: which makes Kris more hep
than is usual among the doctors.)
Well, Lion plans to have a long, hangover both
now (see over leaft). I love you so much, dear
est love, I love you. You are my life.
I love you
73427219 - budone
at 36 I am sure you will be very productive once again.I am really catching up on my sleep - at last I slept until 12.30 yesterday and until 10.45 today. I needed it. I am not trying to do any work at all today or tomorrow (and I spent yesterday with the Cordells - absolutely idle). Hasof course and I may go to do mackintosh exhibition late this afternoon , if I feel like it. (I am reading some science fiction, too which is pleasant after the draining work of the last few weeks. I can even read New Yorkers now)
Hasn't the weather been nice? today is like wall like a mild afternoon in early December.
I've got Ernst this Psychoanalytic Expirations in art to review for Art News and Review.LC looks also He even discusses [ Types of Ambiguity which makes this more help than is usual among the doctors.
Well Liam plants to have a long languorous bath now (see over leaf). I love you so much dearest love, I love you, you are my life.
Love you Laurence
WINNER - 73636082 - Zooniverse2017
tled at 36 I am sure you will be very productiveonce again.
I am really catching up on my sleep - at last: I
slept until 12.30 yesterday and until 10.45
today. I needed it. I am not trying to do any
work at all today or tomorrow (and I spent yes-
terday with the Cordells - absolutely idle). Har -penden tonight, of course - and I may go to
the Mackintosh exhibition late this after-
noon, if I feel like it. (I am reading some
science-fiction, too, which is pleasant after the
driving work of the last few weeks. I can even
read Aunt Doe's New Yorkers now.)
Hasn't the weather been nice? Today is like - well,
like a mild afternoon in early December.
I've got Ernst Kris' Psychoanalytic Explorations in
Art to review for Art News & Review. It looks abso-
lutely brilliant. (He even discusses Empren's 7
Types of Ambiguity: which makes Kris more hip
than is usual among the doctors.)
Well - lion plans to have a long, langerous bath
now (see over leaf). I love you so much, dear-
est love, I love you - you are my life.
love you