- Max. dissimilarity: 0.298
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.153
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71952635 - Carriechelle
- WINNER - 72001986 - racjohn
- 72012207 - Preacher357
- 72205606 - Nomadrv
- 72278025 - Chris5420
- 72289259 - darryluk

71952635 - Carriechelle
14 December 1953Blackheath
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter. I quite understand about Tuesday. I am sorry not to see you tomorrow but I will see you Friday as you say. I have no objection to looking in at the Art School party: quite the contrary. I will let you know about trains. I shall try and find one that gets in about 11:00.
No I haven't seen your south portrait yet: if you think you will know I have not had time. I plan to see it in the new year.
Thank you for your cuttings from the times which interested me very much (esp. about the Russian Loons). There are rumours, incidentally, that the cultural set-up in USSR is being 'liberalized': Museum of Modern Art Co open, banned plays to be performed...
Wolverhampton went well, thank you, and so, it seemed, did my 2 Tate Gallery lectures on Saturday. (Father came to my Lugorlor Frercaes one, incidentally.)
I am sorry you have not been able to paint but I quite understand the feeling. Once we are set-
WINNER - 72001986 - racjohn
14 December 1953 BlackheathDearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter. I quite understand about
Tuesday. I am sorry not to see you tomorrow but
I will see you Friday as you say. I have no obj-
ection to looking in at the Art School party: quite
the contrary. I will let you know about trains.
I shall try and find one that gets in about 11.00.
No I haven't seen your South portrait yet: if you
think, you will know I have not had time. I plan to
see it in the new year.
Thank you for your cuttings from the Times which
interested me very much (esp. about the Russian
Loons). there are rumours, incidentally, that the
cultural set-up in USSR is being 'liberalised':
Mus. of Modern Art to open, banned plays to be
Wolverhampton went well, thank you, and so,
it seemed, did my 2 Tate Gallery lectures on
Saturday. (Father came to my Yugoslav
frescoes one, incidentally.)
I am sorry you have not been able to paint but
I quite understand the feeling. Once we are set-
72012207 - Preacher357
14 December 1953 Blackheath Dearest SylviaThank you for your letter. I quite understand about
Tuesday. I am sorry not to see you tomorrow by
I will see you Friday as you say. I have no obj-
ection to looking in at the Art School party: quite
the contrary. I will let you know about trains.
I shall try and find one that gets in about 11:00.
No I haven't seen your south portrait yet, if you
think, you will know I have not had time. I plan to
see it in the new year.
Thank you for your cuttings from the Times which
interested me very much (esp. about the Russian
Loons). There are rumours, incidentally, that the
cultural set-up in USSR is being'':
mus. of Modern Art to open, banned plays to be
Walverhampton went well, thank you, and so,
it seemed, did my 2 Tate Gallery lectures on
Saturday. (Father came to my
Frescoes one, incidentally.)
I am sorry you have not been able to paint but
I quite understand the feeling. Once we are set-
72205606 - Nomadrv
14 December 1953 B LockleadDearest Sylnia
Thank you for your letter. I quite understand about Tuesday. I am sorry not to see you tomorrow but I will see you Friday as you say. I have no obj. ectrim to looking in the Art School party : quite the contrary. I will let you know about trains.
I shall try and find one that gets in about 11.00.
No I haven't seen your south portrait yet : if you think, you will know have not had time. I Plan to see it in the new year.
Thank you for your cuttings from the Times which interested me very much (esp. about the Russion loons): Ther are numorius, incidentaly, the culturial set-up in USSR is very : mus of Modern Art co open, banned plays to the performed..
Walnerbasplan whent well, thank you, and so, it seemed, did my 2 Tate gallery lectures on Saturday. (Father came to my one, incidentally.)
I am sorry you have not been able to paint but I quite understand the feeling. Once we are set -
72278025 - Chris5420
14 December 1953 BlackheathDearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter I quite understand about Tuesday. I am sorry not to see you tomorrow but i will see you Friday as you say. I have no obj-ection to looking in at the Art School party: quite the contrary. I will let you know about trains. I shall try and find one that gets in about 11.00.
No I haven't seen your South portrait yet: if you think, you will know I have not had time. I plan to see it in the New Year.
Thank you for your cuttings from the Times which interested me very much (esp. about the Russian Loons): There are rumours, incidentally, that the cultural set-up in USSR is being 'liberalised': Mus. of Modern Art to open. banned plays to be performed...
Wolverhampton went well, thank you, and so, it seemed, did my 2 Tate Gallery lectures on Saturday. (Father came to my Lugoslax frescoes one, incidentally.)
I am sorry you have not been able to paint but I quite understand the feeling. Once we are set-
72289259 - darryluk
14 December 1953 BlackheathDearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter. I quite understand about Tuesday. I am sorry not to see you tomorrow but I will see you Friday as you say. I have no objection to looking in at the school party: quite the contrary. I will let you know about trains. I shall try and find one that gets in about 11.00.
No I haven't seen your south portrait yet: if you think, you will know I have not had time. I plan to see it in the new year.
Thank you for your cuttings from the times which interested me very much ( esp. about the Russian loons) USSR is being 'liberalised': music of modern set to open, banned plays to be performed....
Wolverhampton went well, thank you, and so, it seemed, did my 2 Tate Gallery lectures on Saturday. (Father came to my Yugoslav frescoes one, incidentally.)
I am sorry you have not been able to paint but I quite understand the feeling. Once we are set.