- Max. dissimilarity: 0.259
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.145
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71837213 - racjohn
- 72876084 - Carriechelle
- 73296906 - jmfahne
- 73459492 - Zooniverse2017
- 73866926 - Chris5420
- WINNER - 73904129 - ethomson

71837213 - racjohn
N.G 11.1.54Dearest Sylvia - my love,
It was so good to hear your sweet voice on the telephone and marvellous to hear that you are easier in your state of mind - now that we have got 36. There will be some problems - but nothing serious compared to what you have been through my poor darling. Speaking for myself I could not be more pleased and happy that our future hom is, at last, secured. We shall have a wonderful life there together. I am happy about it - full of confidence as I hope and believe you must be, too. [greate about the price.]
I have told Monica nothing doing. Molly and the Cardells - the people I have told - are very pleased indeed and send their love.
I cannot come on Thursday but I could on Friday. Unless I hear to the contrary I shall come Tuesday (let me know if Friday is better). I will tell you the time in my next letter.
Sorry to have been so poor a correspondent but I have been unbelievably busy. Next week I can relax a little. today I must go to Wolverhampton and tomorrow lecture on Yugoslav frescoes at 1.00 and to Barnten on Modern ARt at 4.00. (The Architectural Review piece - 600 words - about Pasmore is fixed for March - definitely.)
I love you and long to see you next week.
Love you
72876084 - Carriechelle
11.1.54Dearest Sylvia - my love,
It was so good to hear your sweet voice on the telephone
and marvellous to hear that you are earie in your state
of mind - ran that we have got 36. There will be some problems -
but nothing serious compared to what you have been through
my poor darling. Speaking for myself I could not be more
pleased and happy that our future home is, at last, secured.
We shall have a wonderful life there together. I am happ
about it - full of confidence as I hope and believe you must
be, too. [great about the price.]
I have told Monica nothing dairy. Molly and Te Cordells - the
people I have told - are very pleased indeed and send their love.
I cannot come on Thursday but I could on Friday. Unless I
hear to the contrary I shall come Tuesday (let me know if Friday is better). I will tell you the time in my next letter.
Sorry to have been so poor a correspondent but I have been
unbelievably busy. Next week I can relax a little. To-
day I must go to Wolverhampton and tomorrow lecture on
Logoslow forever at 1:00 and te Bamten on Modern Art at
4.00. (The Architectural Review piece - 600 words - about Parmore is fixed for March - definitely.)
I love you and long to see you next week
Love you
73296906 - jmfahne
N.G. [11.1.54] Dearest Sylvia - my love, It was so good to hear your sweet voice on the telephone and marvellous to hear that you are easier in your state of mind - now that we have got 36. There will be some problems - but nothing serious compaired to what you have been through my poor darling. Speaking for myself I could not be more pleased & happy that our future home is , at last, secured. We shall have a wonderful life there together. I am happy about it - full of confidence as I hope and believe you must be, too. [great about the price.] I have told Monica nothing doing. Molly & the Cardells - the people I have told - are very pleased indeed and send their love. I cannot come on Thursday but I could on Friday. Unless I hear to the contrary I shall come Tuesday (let me know if Friday is better). I will tell you the time in my next letter. Sorry to have bee so poor a correspondent but I have been unbelievably busy. Next week I can relax a little. To-day I must go to Walnarlarpton & tomorrow lecture on YugoslavFaeries at 1.00 & the Banter on Modern art at 6.00. (The Architectural Review pieces - 600 words - about Pasmore is fixed for March -definitely.) I love you & long to see you next week. I love you Lawrence73459492 - Zooniverse2017
N.G. 11.1.54Dearest Sylvia - my love,
It was so good to hear your sweet voice on the telephone
and marvelous to hear that you are easier in your state
of mind - now that we have got 36. There will be some problems -
my poor darling. Speaking for myself I could not be more
pleased & happy that our future home is, at last, secured.
We shall have a wonderful life there together. I am happy
about it - full of confidence as I hope and believe you must
be, too. [great about the price.]
I have told Monica nothing doing. Molly & the Cardells - the
only people I have told - are very pleased indeed and send their love.
I cannot come on Thursday but I could on Friday. Unless I
hear to the contrary I shall come Tuesday (let me know if
Friday is better). I will tell you the time in my next letter.
Sorry to have been so poor a correspondent but I have been
unbelievably busy. Next week I can release a little. To-
day I must go to the Walmerhampton & tomorrow lecture on
Jugoslaw frescoes at 1.00 & the Banstead on Modernt art at
6.00. (The Architectural Review piece - 600 words - about
Passmore is fixed for March - definitely.)
I love you & long to see you next week. love you
73866926 - Chris5420
N.G. 11.1 54Dearest Sylvia - my love,
It was so good to hear your sweet voice on the telephone and marvellous to hear that you are easier in your state of mind - now that we have got 36. There will be some problems - but nothing serious compared to what you have been through my poor darling. Speaking for myself I could not be more pleased & happy that our future home is, at last, secured - we shall have a wonderful life there together. I am happy about it - full of confidence as I hope and believe you must be, too. [great about the price.]
I have told Monica nothing doing. Molly and the Cardells - the people I have told - are very pleased indeed and send their love.
I cannot come on Thursday but I could on Friday. Unless I hear to the contrary I shall come Tuesday (let me know if Friday is better). I will tell you the time in my next letter.
Sorry to have been so poor a corespondent but I have been unbelievably busy. Next week I can relax a little. To-day I must go to Wolverhampton & tomorrow lecture on Jugoslav frescoes at 1.00 & to Banstead on Modern art at 4.00. (The Architectural Review piece - 600 words - about Pasmore is fixed for March - definitely.)
I love you & long to see you next week love you
WINNER - 73904129 - ethomson
N.G. 11.1.54Dearest Sylvia - my love,
It was so good to hear your sweet voice on the telephone
and marvellous to hear that you are easier in your state
of mind - now that we have got 36. There will be some problems -
but nothing serious compared to what you have been through
my poor darling. Speaking for myself I could not be more
pleased & happy that our future home is, at last, secured.
We shall have a wonderful life there together. I am happy
about it - full of confidence as I hope and believe you must
be, too. [great about the price.]
I have told Monica nothing doing. Molly & the Cardells - the
people I have told - are very pleased indeed and send their love.
I cannot come on Thursday but I could on Friday. Unless I
hear to the contrary I shall come Tuesday (let me know if
Friday is better). I will tell you the time in my next letter.
Sorry to have been so poor a correspondent but I have been
unbelievably busy. Next week I can relax a little. To-
day I must go to Wolverhampton & tomorrow lecture on
Yugoslav frescoes at 1.00 & to Banstead on Modern art at
4.00 (The Architectural Review piece - 600 words - about
Pasmore is fixed for March - definitely.)
I love you & long to see you next week. I love you