- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.504
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65483412 - not-logged-in-f3ae98e9469580b5ddfa
- 65544399 - jaksen
- 65546963 - reddder
- 65623758 - saffyre13
- 65692065 - Rille54
- WINNER - 65708408 - Greg67

65483412 - not-logged-in-f3ae98e9469580b5ddfa
Dandylion ringing the bell at Carlyle Square yesterday (he is wearing the which he wore when he saw you off and he is happy you approve of itTomorrow, at he will look at lease as furious as this
65544399 - jaksen
Dandylion ringing the bell at Carlyle Square yesterday. (He is wearing the ensemble which he wore when he saw you off and he is happy you approve of it.Tomorrow at Hinds he will look at least as furious as this.
Fig. 11
65546963 - reddder
FIG I Dandylion ringing the bell at Carlyle Square yesterday (he is wearing the ensemble which he wore when he saw you off & he is happy you approve of it.Tomorrow, at Hinds he will look at least as serious as this.
65623758 - saffyre13
FIG IDandylion ringin the bell at Carlylre Square yesterday 9he is wearing the ensemble which he wore when he saw you off as he is happy you approve of it.
Tomorrow, at Herd's he will look at least as furious as this.
65692065 - Rille54
WINNER - 65708408 - Greg67
FIG IDandylion ringing the bell at Carlyle Square yesterday (he is wearing the ensemble which he wore when he saw you off and he is happy you approve of it
Tomorrow, at Herd's he will look at least as serious as this
Fig II