- Max. dissimilarity: 0.05
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.027
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65463567 - DelhiFlyFan
- WINNER - 65471702 -
- 65475972 -
- 65478666 -
- 65551215 - Preacher357
- 65552737 - not-logged-in-755e1773d1a1763160d8

65463567 - DelhiFlyFan
Dearest Sylvia
I do seem to be busy this week: I have just finished preparing this evening's lecture (on Drawings) and, of course, before that I have a N.G. school lecture about English Landscape, to 15 14 year-old girls or 14 15 year-olds. But I had to stop that work and send you however hasty a line to say I adore you.
The weather is charming today - so I hope that you will be able to paint. Last night, after the rain, was beautiful, the sky scattered with exquisite star-patterns.
Globes like amaranthine showers
Flow down-hill or flake
And scatter asteroids in circles:
We find the red in the black.
The moment pinioned by the hours
And the will to enter circles.
Constellations barter light
For the precisions of the zodiac,
Where symbols of libido
Burgeon or are schematic
In the tables of the night,
Crossed by comets of the libido.
(There is, I think, a reminiscence of Esteban Frances' paintings in this poem.)
The begonia is battered and has lost its main branch but the smaller branch remains: I am tending it constantly and I believe what is left will survive.
I lve you, dearest Sylvia, I must do some work now, I love you,
WINNER - 65471702 -
Wednesday Blackheath Dearest Sylvia I do seem to be busy this week: I have just finished preparing this evening's lecture (on Drawings) and, of course, before that I have a N.G. school lecture about English Landscape, to 15 14 year-old girls or 14 15 year-olds. But I had to stop that work and send you however hasty a line to say I adore you. The weather is charming today - so I hope that you will be able to paint. Last night, after the rain, was beautiful, the sky scattered with exquisite starpatterns. Globes like amaranthine showers Flow down-hill or flake And scatter asteroids in circles: We find the red in the black, The moment pinioned by the hours And the will to enter circles. Constellations barter light For precisions of the zodiac, Where symbols of libido Burgeon or are schematic In the tables of the night, Crossed by comets of the libido. (There is, I think, a reminiscence of Esteban Frances' paintings in this poem.) The begonia is battered and has lost its main branch but the smaller branch remains: I am tending it constantly and I believe what is left will survive. I love you, dearest Sylvia, I must do some work now, I love you, Lawrence65475972 -
Dearest Sylvia
I do seem to be busy this week: I have just finished preparing this evening's lecture ( on Drawings ) and , of course, before that I have a N.G. school lecture about English Landscape, to 15 14 year-old girls .. or 14 15 year-olds. But I had to stop that work and send you however a hasty line to say I adore you.
The weather is charming today - so I hope that you will be able to paint. Last night, after the rain, was beautiful, the sky scattered with exquisite star-patterns.
Globes like amaranthine showers
Flow down-hill or flake
And scatter asteroids in circles:
We find the red in the black,
The moment pinioned by the hours
And the will to enter circles.
Constellations barter light
For precisions of the zodiac,
Where symbols of libido
Burgeon or are schematic
In the tables of the night,
Crossed by comets of the libido.
(There is, I think, a reminiscence of Estaban Frances' paintings in this poem.)
The begonia is battered and has lost its main branch but the smaller branch remains: I am tending it constantly and I believe what is left will survive.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I must do some work now, I love you,
65478666 -
Dearest Sylvia
I do seem to be busy this week: I have just fin-
wished preparing this evening's lecture (on Draw-
ings) and, of course, before that I have a N.G.
school lecture about English Landscape, to 15
14 year-old girl or 14 15 year-olds. But I had
to stop that work and send you however hasty a line
to say I adore you.
The weather is charming today - so I hope that you
will be able to paint. Last night, after the rain,
was beautiful, the sky scattered with exquisite star-
Globes like amaranthine showers
Flow down-hill or flake
And scatter asteroids in circles:
We find the red in the black.
The moment pinioned by the hours
And the will to enter circles.
Constellations barter light
For precisions of the zodiac,
Where symbols of libido
Burgeon or are schematic
In the tables of the night,
Crossed by comets of the libido.
(There is, I think, a reminiscence of Esteban Frances'
paintings in this poem.)
The begonia is battered and has lost its main branch
but the smaller branch remains: I am tending it con-
stantly and I believe what is left will survive.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I must do some work now,
I love you.
65551215 - Preacher357
Dearest Sylvia
I do seem to be busy this week: I have just fin-
ished preparing this evening's lecture (on Draw-
ings) and, of course, before that I have a N.G.
school lecture about English Landscape, to 15
14 year-old girls or 14 15 year-olds. But I had
to stop that work and send you however, hasty a line
to say I adore you.
The weather is charming today - so I hope that you
will be able to paint. Last night, after the rain,
was beautiful, the sky scattered with exquisite star-
Globes like amaranthine showers
Flow down-hill or flake
And scatter asteroids in circles:
We find the red in the black,
The moment pinioned by the hours
And the will to enter circles.
Constellations barter light
For precisions of the zodiac,
Where symbols of libido
Burgeon or are achematic
In the tables of the night,
Crossed by comets of the libido.
(There is, I think, a reminiscence of Esteban Frances'
paintings in this poem)
The begonia is battered and has lost its main branch
but the smaller brance remains: I am tending it con-
stantly and I believe what is left will survive.
I love you , dearest Sylvia, I must do some work now,
I love you,
65552737 - not-logged-in-755e1773d1a1763160d8
Dearest Sylvia
I do seem to be busy this week: I have just finished preparing this evening's lecture (on Drawings) and, of course, before that I have a N.G. school lecture about English Landscape, to 15-14 year-old girls or 14 15 year-olds. But I had to stop that work and send you however hasty a line to say I adore you.
The weather is charming today - so I hope that you will be able to paint. Last night, after the rain, was beautiful, the sky scattered with exquisite star patterns.
Globes like amaranthine showers
Flow down-hill or flake
And scatter asteroids in circles:
We find the red in the black,
The moment pinioned by the hours
And the will to enter circles.
Constellations barter light
For precisions of the zodiac,
Where symbols of libido
Burgeon or are schematic
In the tables of the night,
Crossed by comets of the libido.
(There is, I think, a reminiscence of Esteban Frances' paintings in this poem.)
The begonia is battered and has lost its main branch but the smaller branch remains: I am tending it constantly and I believe what is left will survive.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I must do some work now, I love you,