- Max. dissimilarity: 0.129
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.091
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65480626 - mar9en
- 65496691 - SarahBe
- WINNER - 65499763 - JET315
- 65517141 - kbee333
- 65523696 - shelleyvictoriasmith
- 65602173 - edemars

65480626 - mar9en
My dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letters. Your first one came on Thurs-
day and the second one today. I saw the top of the Maza-
watel Building this morning as I came up to town and I
was possessed by the strongest thoughts of you.
Yesterday afternoon - to answer your kind, urgent en-
quiries - I saw Gainesborough and reviewed for him the
new London gallery exhibition - Esteban Frances. I took
it to him this morning (so that it will be in the next
print): he seemed very amiable so you need not fear,
I think, about my being left out of the Art News contributors.
I'm sorry to say I saw absolutely nothing in The Third Man
I had not seen before. Your Trinity suggestion is true but
does it relate to my interpretation of the symbolism of the
film significantly? I have worked many of your obser-
vations into the article. Thank you for your encourage-
ment and help.
This afternoon I am going to the Arts Council (John's
place, that is) to draft an improved version of the ex-
Yes, my sweet, I have some copies of your article - and we can always get more from Gainesborough if necessary.
I have not read Gardner on Watkins but will do so this
evening. I shall go home early today.
65496691 - SarahBe
London FridayMy dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letters. Your first one came on Thursday and the second one today. I saw the top of the magawater building this morning as I came up to town and I was possessed by the strongest thoughts of you.
Yesterday afternoon - to answer your kind, urgent enquiries - I saw Gainsborough and reviewed for him the new London gallery exhibition - Esteban Frances. I took it to him this morning (so that it will be in the next issue): he seemed very amiable so you need not fear, I think, about my being left out of any News contributors.
I'm sorry to say I saw absolutely nothing in The Third Man I had not seen before. Your Trinity suggestion is fine but does it relate to my interpretation of the symbolism of the film significantly? I have worked many of your observations into the article. Thank you for your encouragement and help.
This afternoon I am going to The Arts Council (John's place, that is) to draft an improved revision of the exhibition.
Yes, my sweet, I have some copies of your article - and we can always get more from Gainsborough if necessary.
I have not read Gardneror Wathing but will do so this evening. I shall go home early today.
WINNER - 65499763 - JET315
London FridayMy dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letters. Your first one came on Thurs-day and the second one today. I saw the top of the Maga-watel Building this morning as I came up to town and I was possessed by the strongest thoughts of you.
Yesterday afternoon - to answer your kind, urgent en-quiries - I saw Gainsborough and reviewed for him the new London Gallery exhibition - Esteban Frances. I took it to him this morning (so that it will be in the next issue): he seemed very amiable so you need not fear, I think about my being left out of Art News contributors.
I'm sorry to say I saw absolutely nothing in The Third Man I had not seen before. Your Trinity suggestion is true but does it relate to my interpretation of the symbolism of the film significantly? I have worked many of your obser-vations into the article. Thank you for your encourage-ment and help.
This afternoon I am going to The Arts Council (John's place, that is) to draft an improved version of the ex-hibition.
Yes, my sweet, I have some copies of your article - and we can always get more from Gainsborough if necessary.
I have not read Gardner on Watkins but will do so this evening. I shall go home early today.
65517141 - kbee333
London FridayMy dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letters. Your first one came on Thursday and the second one today. I saw the top of the Maza-water Building this morning as I came up to town and I was possessed by the strongest thoughts of you.
Yesterday afternoon - to answer your kind, urgent enquiries - I saw Gainsborough and reviewed for him the new London Gallery exhibition - Esteban Frances. I took it to him this morning (so that it will be in the next issue): he seemed very amiable so you need not fear, I think, about being left out of Art News contributors.
I'm sorry to say I saw absolutely nothing in The Third hour I had not seen before. Your Trinity suggestion is fine but does it relate to my interpretation of the symbolism of the film significantly? I have worked many of your observations into the article. Thank you for your encouragement and help.
This afternoon I am going to the Arts Council (John's place, that is) to draft an improved version of the exhibition.
Yes, my sweet, I have some copies of your article - and we can always get more from Gainsborough if necessary.
I have not read Gardner or Watkins but will do so this evening. I shall go home early today.
65523696 - shelleyvictoriasmith
London fridayMy dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letters. Your first one came on Thurs-
day and the second one today. I saw the tops of the mafa-
watel Building this morning as I came to town and I
was possessed by the strongest thoughts of you.
Yesterday afternoon - to answer your kind, urgent en-
quiries - I saw Gainsborough and reviewed for him the
new London gallery exhibition - Esteban Frances. I took
it to him this morning (so that it will be in the next
issue ) : he seemed very amiable so you need not fear,
I think, about my being left out of Art News contributions.
I'm sorry to say I saw absolutely nothing in The Third Man
I had not seen before. Your trinity suggestion is fine but
does not relate to my interpretation of the symbolism of the
film significantly? I have worked many of your obser-
vations into the slide. Thank you for your encourage-
ment and help.
This afternoon I am going to The Arts Council (John's
place, that is) to draft an improved review of the ex-
Yes, my sweet, I have some copies of your article - and
we can always get more from Gainsborough if necessary.
I have not read gardner on warthing but will do so this
evening. I shall go home early today.
65602173 - edemars
London Tusday My dearest Silvia Thank you for your letters. Your first one came on Thursday and the second one today. I saw the top of the Magawatel Building this morning as I came up to town and I was possessed by the strongest thoughts of you. Yesterday afternoon - to answer your kind, urgent enquiries - I saw Gainsborough and reviewed for him the new London Gallery exhibition. - Esteban . I took it to him this morning (so that it will be in the next issue): he seemed very amiable so you need not fear, I think, about my being left out of Art News contributors. I'm sorry to say I saw absolutely nothing in The Third Man I had not seen before. Your Trinity suggestion is true but does it relate to my interpretation of the symbolism of the film significantly? I have worked many of your observations into the article. Thank you for your encouragement and help. This afteernoon I am going to the Arts Council (John's Place, that is) to draft an improved version of the exhibition. Yes, my sweet, I have some copies of your article - and we can always get more from Gainsborough if necessary. I have not read Gardner on Wathering but will do so this evening. I shall go home early today.