- Max. dissimilarity: 0.041
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.029
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65765332 - Gatorgirl
- 65770420 - writerchick88
- 65774550 - MituKagome
- 65906383 - Brenmaksmom
- WINNER - 65971731 - Preacher357
- 66072060 - bleblob

65765332 - Gatorgirl
Blackheath 28 iv 1950Dearest Sylvia
Your delightful letter came this morning to please
and charm your sleepy lion, supplementing elegant
memories of you on Wednesday. How beautiful your
movements are. Remembering what you like I shall
give you my news first, though not until I have said,
once, quickly, how much I love you.
After you left on Wednesday I finished the chapter upon
which I was working. I propose to work on H.
all over the week-end also.
Yesterday I collected the R.B.A. forms, went to Christ-
ies for the Hayman, and then to the A.I.A. meeting in
the evening. On Tuesday I and another committee mem-
ber are going to see the work of Mary Feddon (J. Trev-
elyan's wife) to see if her work merits showing at the
gallery. I also went to the Herald Tribune office
and found, in Tuesday April 11th, the cutting I enclose.
It is from a column of intellectual news by Eugene
Jolas, the editor of Transition. I am very pleased
to have his praise. I shall send him an article soon
when I can think of the right subject for him.
Here is a sketch of the Hayman Leap Frogging (I have
a photograph of it):
Although I wrote down the prices of your pictures at
great length I have mislaid the paper. I have not
65770420 - writerchick88
Blackheath28 iv 1950
Dearest Sylvia
Your delightful letter came this morning to please and charm your sleepy lion, supplementing elegant memories of you on Wednesday. How beautiful your movements are. Remembering what you like I shall give you my news first, though not until I have said, once, quickly, how much I love you.
After you left Wednesday I finished the chapter upon which I was working. I propose to work on H. all over the week-end also.
Yesterday I collected the R.B.A. forms, went to Christ-ies for the Hayman, and then to the A.I.A meeting in the evening. On Tuesday I and another committee mem-ber are going to see the work of Mary Feddon (J. Trev-elyan's wife) to see if her work merits showing at the gallery. I also went to the Herald Tribune office and found, in Tuesday April 11th, the cutting I enclose. It is from a column of intellectual news by Eugene Jolas, the editor of Transition. I am very pleased to have his praise. I shall send him an article soon when I can think of the right subject for him.
Here is a sketch of the Hayman Lions Leap Frogging (I have a photograph of it):
Although I wrote down the prices of your pictures at great length I have mislaid the paper. I have not
65774550 - MituKagome
28 iv 1950Blackheath
Dearest Sylvia
Your delightful letter came this morning to please and charm your sleepy lion, supplementing elegant memories of you on Wednesday. How beautiful your movements are. Remembering what your like I shall give you my news first, though not until I have said, once, quickly, how much I love you.
After you left on Wednesday I finished the chapter upon which I was working. I propose to work on H. all over the week-end also.
Yesterday I collected the R.B.A. forms, went to Christies for the Hayman, and then to the A.I.A. meeting in the evening. On Tuesday I and another committee member are going to see the work of Mary Feddon (J. Trevelyan's wife) to see if her work merits showing at the gallery. I also went to the Herald Tribune office and found, in Tuesday April 11th, the cutting I enclose. It is from a column of intellectual news by Eugene Jolas, the editor of Transition. I am very pleased to have his praise. I shall send him an article soon when I can think of the right subject for him.
Here is a sketch of the Hayman Lions Leap Frogging (I have a photograph of it):
Although I wrote down the prices of your pictures at great length I have mislaid the paper. I have not
65906383 - Brenmaksmom
Blackheath 28 iv 1950Dearest Sylvia
Your delightful letter came this morning to please
and charm your sleepy lien, supplementing elegant
memories of you on Wednesday. How beautiful your movements are. Remembering what you like I shall give you my news first, though not until I have said, once, quickly, how much I love you.
After you left on Wednesday I finished the chapter upon which I was working. I propose to work on H. All over the week-end also.
Yesterday I collected the R.B.A. forms, went to Christ-
ies for the Hayman, and then to the A.I.A. meeting in the evening. On Tuesday I and another commitee mem-
ber are going to see the work of Mary Feddon (J. Trev-
elyan's wife). to see if her work merits showing at the gallery. I also went to the Herald Tribune office and found, in Tuesday April 11th, the cutting I enclose. It is. From a column of intellectual news by Eugene Jolas, the editor of Transition. I am very pleased to have his praise. I shall send him an article soon when I can think of the right subject for him.
Here is a sketch of the Hayman lions Leap Frogging (I have a photograph of it):
Although I wrote down the prices of your pictures at great lenghth I have mislaid the paper. I have not
WINNER - 65971731 - Preacher357
Blackheath 28 iv 1950Dearest Sylvia
Your delightful letter came this morning to please
and charm your sleepy lion, supplementing elegant
memories of you on Wednesday. How beautiful your
movements are. Remembering what you like I shall
give you my news first, though not until I have said,
once, quickly, how much I love you.
After you left on Wednesday I finished the chapter upon
which I was working. I propose to work on H.
all over the weekend also.
Yesterday I collected the R.B.A. forms, when to Christ-
ies for the Hayman, and then to the A.I.A. meeting in
the evening. On Tuesday I and another committee mem-
ber are going to see the work of Mary Feddon (J. Trev-
elyan's wife) to see if her work merits showing at the
gallery. I also went to the Herald Tribune office
and found, in Tuesday April 11th, the cutting I enclose.
It is from a column of intellectual news by Eugene
Jolas, the editor of Transition. I am very pleased
to have his praise. I shall send him an article soon
when I can think of the right subject for him.
Here is a sketch of the Haymen Lions Leap Frogging ( I have
a photograph of it):
Although I wrote down the price of your pictures at
great length I have mislaid the paper. I have not
66072060 - bleblob
Blackheath 28 iv 1950Dearest Sylvia
Your delightful letter came this morning to please and charm your sleepy lion, supplementing elegant memories of you on Wednesday. How beautiful your movements are. Remembering what you like I shall give you my news first, though not until I have said, once, quickly, how much I love you.
After you left on Wednesday I finished the chapter upon which I was working. I propose to work on H. all over the week-end also.
Yesterday I collected the R.B.A. forms, went to Christies for the Hayman, and then to the A.I.A. meting in the evening. On Tuesday I and another committee member are going to see the work of Mary Feddon (J. Trevelyan's wife) to see if her work merits showing at the gallery. I also went to the Heral Tribune office and found, in Tuesday April 11th, the cutting I enclose. It is from a column of intellectual news by Eugene Jolas, the editor of Transition. I am very pleased to have his praise. I shall send him an article soon when I can think of the right subject for him.
Here is a sketch of the Hayman Lions Leap Frogging (I have a photograph of it):
Although I wrote down the prices of your pictures at great length I have mislaid the paper. I have not