- Max. dissimilarity: 0.066
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.034
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65856117 - evanstonsherry
- 65956802 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- 66014790 - KittyM
- WINNER - 66047152 - kanjoku
- 66055096 - _secunda
- 66107691 - landfordjohnmartin

65856117 - evanstonsherry
IItime this morning for a proper hunt so would you repeat
the prices in a letter to reach here not later than Mon-
day morning. I do apologise for bothering you further.
(I have painted the frame by the way.) I am quite ex-
cited about the exhibitionos: it will feel like submit-
ing my own pictures, as far as anticipation and excite-
ment go.
This evening my parents are taking me to the pictures.
My tea with Charles is this afternoon so I have no gossip
yet. My lecture on Monday went off pleasantly thank
Poyser's and Eve's picture in the R. B. A. are the full
Here two poems for you, my Muse:
The phases of the moon and sun
Are compartments of an hourglass,
The sand the common desert
Where Love is archeologist.
From the tel can we recover
Another caryatid, you fair:
Intact and smooth a telamon
Supporting the blonde stairs.
I cannot see the telemon,
Nor you the caryatid
With her smiling upraised arms:
Tell me of him, not leave him hid.
(Your letter this morning satisfied the wishes of this
poem perfectly.)
Nocturn of the Mane Chance
In the museum of the night
So many rivers
So many cages
65956802 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
time this morning for a proper hunt so would you repeat the prices in a letter to reach here not later than Monday morning. I do apologise for bothering you further. (I have painted the frame by the way.) I am quite excited about the exhibitions: it will feel like submitting my own pictures, as far as anticipation and excitement go.This evening my parents are taking me to the pictures. My tea with Charles is this afternoon so I have no gossip yet. My lecture on Monday went off pleasantly thank you.
Poyser's and Eve's picture in the R.B.A. are the full dregs.
Here are two poems for you, my Muse:
The phases of the moon and sun
Are compartments of an hourglass,
The sand the common desert
Where love is archaeologist.
From the tel car we recover
Another caryatid, you fair:
Intact and smooth a telamon
Supporting the blonde stairs.
I cannot see the telemon,
Nor you the caryatid
With her smiling upraised arms:
Tell me of him, not leave him hid.
(Your letter this morning satisfied the wishes of this poem perfectly.)
In the museum of the night
So many rivers
So many cages
66014790 - KittyM
IItime for this morning for a proper hunt so would you repeat
the prices in a letter to reach here not later than Mon-
day morning. I do apologize for bothering you further.
(I have painted the frame by the way.) I am quite ex-
cited about the exhibitions: it will feel like submitt-
ing my own pictures, as far as anticipation and excite-
ment go.
This evening my parents are taking me to the pictures.
My tea with Charles is this afternoon so I have no gossip
yet. My lecture on Monday went off pleasantly thank
Poyser's and Eve's picture in the R.B.A. are the full
Here are two poems for you, my Muse:
The phases of the moon and sun
Are compartments of an hourglass,
The sand the common desert
Where Love is Archaeologist
From the tel can we recover
Another caryatid, you fair:
Intact and smooth a telamon
Supporting the blonde stairs.
I cannot see the telamon,
Nor you the caryatid
With her smiling upraised arms:
Tell me of him, not leave him hid.
(Your letter this morning satisfied the wishes of this
poem perfectly.)
Nocturne of the Mane Chance
In the museum of the the night
So many rivers
So many cages
WINNER - 66047152 - kanjoku
IItime this morning for a proper hunt so would you repeat the prices in a letter to reach here not later than Monday morning. I do apologize for bothering you further. (I have painted the frame by the way.) I am quite excited about the exhibitions: it will feel like submitting my own pictures, as far as anticipation and excitement go.
This evening my parents are taking me to the pictures. My tea with Charles is this afternoon so I have no gossip yet. My lecture on Monday went off pleasantly thank you.
Poyser's and Eve's picture in the R.B.A. are the full dregs.
Here are two poems for you, my Muse:
The phases of the moon and sun
Are compartments of an hourglass,
The sand the common desert
Where Love is archeologist.
From the tel can we recover
Another caryatid, you fair:
Intact and smooth a telamon
Supporting the blonde stairs.
I cannot see the telemon,
Nor you the caryatid
With her smiling upraised arms:
Tell me of him, not leave him hid.
(Your letter this morning satisfied the wishes of this poem perfectly.)
In the museum of the night
So many rivers
So many cages
66055096 - _secunda
IItime this morning for a proper hunt, so would you repeat the prices in a letter to reach here not later than Monday morning. I do apologise for bothering you further. (I have painted the frame, by the way.) I am quite excited about the exhibitions: it will feel like submitting my own pictures, as far as anticipation and excitement go.
This evening my parents are taking me to the pictures. My tea with Charles is this afternoon so I have no gossip yet. My lecture on Monday went off pleasantly, thank you.
Poyser;s and Eve's picture in the R.B.A. are the full dregs.
Here are two poems for you, my Muse:
The phases of the moon and sun
Are compartments of an hourglass,
The sand the common desert
Where love is archeologist.
From the tel can we recover
Another caryatid, you fair:
Intact and smooth a telamon
Supporting the blonde stairs.
I cannot see the telemon,
Nor you the caryatid
WIth her smiling unpraised arms:
Tell me of him, not leave him hid.
(Your letter this morning satisfied the wishes of this poem perfectly.)
In the museum of the night
So many rivers
So many cages
66107691 - landfordjohnmartin
iitime this morning for a proper hunt so would you repeat the prices in a letter to reach here not later than Monday morning. I do apologise for bothering you further. (I have painted the frame by the way). I am quite excited about the exhibitions: it will feel like submitting my own pictures, as far as anticipation and excitement go.
This evening my parents are taking me to the pictures. My tea with Charles is this afternoon so I have no gossip yet. My lecture on Monday went off pleasantly thank you.
Poyser's and Eve's picture in the R.B.A. are the full dregs.
Here are two poems for you, my Muse:
The phases of the moon and sun
Are compartments of an hourglass,
The sand the common desert
Where Love is archaeologist.
From the tel can we recover
Another caryatid, you fair:
Intact and smooth a telamon
Supporting the blonde stairs.
I cannot see the telemon,
Nor you the caryatid
With her smiling upraised arms:
Tell me of him, not leave him hid.
(Your letter this morning satisfied the wishes of this poem perfectly).
In the museum of the night
So many rivers
So many cages