- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.727
- Image votes: 0.0
- 73361232 - darryluk
- 73373850 - tmeconverse
- 73906743 - k8mielke
- WINNER - 73992597 - ChaoticK
- 74011158 - not-logged-in-aa40d965741fd1ebe571
- 74011176 - not-logged-in-6786a1413312b2a53f88

73361232 - darryluk
COPYSept 7 1988
Dear Andy
I enclose the pieces that together contribute to a sense of Sylvia's position as an artist that you thought the IRS might be interested to see. I enclose her CV and Miss Henry's receipt for 1986. There are 5 oats and 3 announcements which indicate her high professional recognition.
These are the oats:
1. SS. Indiana SV and NW V Illinois. Text Barnham 1977
2. SS 1970-79 Canton Art Inst. Ball State U Im Miami, Ohio 1980
3. SS Recent P/ GWE Text Knight.1980
4. SS Paints LA GWE Text A ShavesCrandell 1985 (CAA)
These are the announcements:
1. Soho 20 StonedFlowers 1980
2. Immerates GWE 1985
3. Zakse Nudes a Patraits 85
I & re E 80s she received a stdstarsant as was 1st Pollack - Krasmer grantee.
The cats & announcements show re artist exhibiting at universities across the country & making regular appearances in NY, still the central city of the art world. Of interest are re catExls by such scholars as Profs Barnham and shaves-carwdell and Dr Donald knight.Yotion highly reputable art writers are found in the CV. S is also preparing an exhibition to be seen next year at the Batherst Institute and the Milwaukee artrevs with a contest by PBdevotes of the museum.
73373850 - tmeconverse
Copy Sept 7, 1988Dear Andy
I enclose the pieces that together contribute to a sense of Sylvi's position as an artist
that you thought the IRS might interested to see. I enclose her CV and Miss Henry's
receipt for 1986. There are 5 cats and 3 announcements which indicate her high professional
The are the cats:
1. SS. Indiana SU and NWU, Illinois. Text. BURham. 1977
2 SS. 1970-1979. Canton Art Inst. Ball State U. Ind Miami, Ohio. 1980
3 SS Recent P. G.WE. Text Knight. 1980
4 SS Paints LA. G.WE Text LA 1983
5 Invitation. GWE. Text. A Shaver Crandell 1985 (CAA)
These are the announcements:
1 Soho 20 Stones & Flores 1980
2 Invetatogo GWE 1985
3 Zaks Nudes & Portraits '85
In the # 80 she received a NEA Artist's Grant & was 1st Pollack-Krasner grantee.
The cats & announcements show the artist exhibiting at universities across
the country & making regular appearances in NY, still the central city of the
art world. Of interest are the Cat. Exls by such scholars as Profs Burnham
and Shaver-Crandell & Dr. Donald Knight. Other highly reputable art writers are
viewed in the C.V.) S is alos preparing an exh to be seen next year at the
Butler Art Institute and the Milwaukee Art Museum with a cat text by B.R. the curator
of the museum.
73906743 - k8mielke
COPY sept 7, 1988Dear Andy,
I enclose the pieces that Together contribute to a sense of Sylvia's position as an artist that you thought the IRS might interested to see. I enclose her CV and Miss Henry's receipt for 1986. There are 5 cats and 3 Announces which indicate her high professional recognition.
Theres are Re cats:
1. SS. Indiana SU and NW U. Illinois, text Burnham. 1977
2. SS 1970-79. Canton Art Inst, Ball State U Inst. Miami, Ohio. 1980
3 SS Recent P. GWE. Text Kuspit. 1980
4 SS Paints LA. GWE Text LA 1983
5 Invitation. GWE. Text. A shaver Crandell 1985 (CAA)
Therefore re announcements:
1 Soho 20 Stones & Flowers 1980
2 Invitation GWE 1985
3 Zaks Nudes & Portraits '85
La Re E 80s she received a NEA site's Grant & was 1st Pollock-Krasmen grants.
The cats & announcements show Re artist exhibiting at universities across the country & making regular appearances in NY, still Re central city of the art world. Of interest are Re Cat Texts & such scholars & Profs Beernham and Shaver-Crandall & Di-Donald Knight. Yolan highly reputable art writers are novel in the C.V.Y. S is also preparing an exhi to be seen next year at the Batten east Institute as the Milwaukee Art jahdj with a Cat testy Re directors of the museum.
WINNER - 73992597 - ChaoticK
COPY Sept 7, 1988Dear Andy
I enclose the pieces that together contribute to to a sense of Sylvia's position as an artist that you thought the IRS might be interested to see. I enclose her CV and Miss Henry's receipt for 1986. Those are 5 cats and 3 Announcements which indicate her high professional recognitition.
These are the cats:
1. SS Indiana SU and NWU. Illinois. Text Burnham. 1977
2 SS 1970-79 Canton Art Inst, Ball State U. Ind Miami, Ohio 1980
3 SS Recant P. GWE. Text Kerspit. 1980
4 SS Pains LA. GWE. Text LA 1983
5 Invitation. GWE. Txt. A Shaver Crandell 1985 (CAA)
These are the announcents:
1 Soho 20 Stones & Flower 1980
2 Invitation GWE 1985
3 Zaks Nades a Patraits '85
la the E 80's she received a NEA Artist's Grant & was 1st Pollock-Krasner grantee.
The cats & announcements show re artist exhibiting at universities across the country & making regular appearances in NY, still the central city of the art world. Of interest are the cat texts of such scholars as Profs Beernham and Shaver-Crandell & Dr. Donald Kerspit, (Other highly reputable art writers are vaued in the C.V.) S is also preparing an exh to be seen next year at The Battes Art Institute and the Milwaukee Art Museum with a cat text by R.B. the director of the commission. Sincerely LA
74011158 - not-logged-in-aa40d965741fd1ebe571
mhjbhjv74011176 - not-logged-in-6786a1413312b2a53f88