- Max. dissimilarity: 0.115
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.068
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 72577944 - jesseytucker
- 72999989 - not-logged-in-3a97b3c25296fb08fce4
- 73316390 - ZeynepY
- 73861972 - k8mielke
- 73912107 - mcathzoo
- 73927848 - Zooniverse2017

WINNER - 72577944 - jesseytucker
COPYDec. 7 1988
Dear Russell
I have no official status in your, Sylvia's, and
Gil's discussions, but can I comment, writer-to-
writer as it were, on the essay which I like very
much. I am going by the 15. pp. typescript with no
author's names and with 15 FNS> Since it includes
Tondes, p.13, and notes in invitation, pp 14-15, I
take it this is a pretty recent draft.
There is also an illustration list specifying
3 and 3 b-and-white, w. an extra 3 b-and-whites.
This sounds very like a magazine proposal. Is it?
Anyway may I say I admire the text, not simply
because it is about Sylvia, but for the context of
related contemporaries and as a chart of her
development. It is the kind of prose I like to write.
Love to Barbara and you. It's too long since
we saw you.
72999989 - not-logged-in-3a97b3c25296fb08fce4
COPYDec. 7, 1988
Dear Russell
I have no official status in your, Sylvia's, and
Gil's discussion, but I can comment, writer-to-
writer as it were, on the essay which I like very
much. I am going by the 15-pp-typescript with no
authors' names and with 15 FNS. Since it includes
Tondes, p.13, and notes on Invitation, pp 14-15, I
take it this is a pretty recent draft.
There is also an illustration list specifying
3 and 3 b-and-white, w. an extra 3 b-and-whites.
This sounds very like a magazine proposal. Is it?
Anyway may I say I admire the text, not simply
because it is about Sylvia, but for the context of
related contemporaries and as a chart of her
development. It is the kind of prose I like to write.
Love to Barbara and you. Its too long since we saw you.
73316390 - ZeynepY
COPYDec. 7, 1988
Dear Russell,
I have no official status in your, Sylvia's, and Gil's discussion, but I can comment, writer-to-writer as it were, on the essay which I like very much. I am going by the 15 pp-typescript with no authors' names and with 15 FNS. Since it includes Tondes, p.13, and notes on invitation, pp 14-15, I take it this is a pretty recent draft.
There is also an illustration list specifying 3 and 3 b-and-white w. an extra 3 b-and-whites. This sounds very like a magazine proposal. Is it?
Anyway may I say I admire the text, not simply because it is about Sylvia, but for the context of related contemporaries and as a chart of her development. It is the kind of prose I like to write.
Love to Barbara and you. It's too long since we saw you.
73861972 - k8mielke
COPYDec. 7, 1988
Dear Russell
I have NO official status in your, Sylvia's, and Gil's discussions, but can I comment, writer-to-writer as it were, on the essay which I like very much. I am going by the 15 pp. typescript with NO authors' names and with 15 FNS. Since it includes Tondes, p. 13. and notes on Invitation, pp 14-15, I take it this is a pretty recent draft.
There is also an illustration list speaking 3 and 3 b-and-white, w. an extra 3 b-and-whites. This sounds very like a magazine proposal. Is it?
Anyway may I say I admire the Text, Not imply because it is about Sylvia, but for the context of related contemporaries and as a chart of her development. It is the kind of prose I like to write.
Love to Barbara and you. Its too long since we saw you.
73912107 - mcathzoo
COPYDec. 7, 1988
Dear Russell
I have NO official status in your, Sylvia's, and Gil's discussions, but I can comment, writer-to-writer as it were, on the essay which I like very much. I am going by the 11 pp-typescript with NO authors' names and with 15 FNS. Since it includes Tondes , p. 13, and Notes on Invitation , pp 14-15, I take it this is a pretty recent draft.
There is also a illustration list specifying 3 and 3 b-and-white, w. an extra 3 b-and-whites. This sounds very like a magazine proposal . Is it?
Anyway may I say I admire the text, Not simply because because it is about Sylvia, but for the context of related contemporaries and as a chart of her development. It is the kind of prose I like to write.
Love to Barlara and you. Its too long since we saw you
73927848 - Zooniverse2017
COPYDec. 7, 1988
Dear Russell
I have no official status in your, Sylvia's, and
Gil's discussion, but can I comment, writer-to-
writer as it were, on the essay which I like very
much. I am going by the 15 pp typescript with no
authors' names and with 15 FNS. Since it includes
Tondes, p. 13, and notes of Invitation, pp 14-15, I
take it this is a pretty recent draft.
There is also an illustration list specifying.
3 and 3 b-and-white, w. an extra 3 b-and-whites.
This sounds very like a magazine proposal. Is it?
Anyway may I say I admire the text, not simply
because it is about Sylvia, but for the context of
related contemporaries and as a draft of her
development. It is the kind of prose I like to write.
Love to Barbara and you. It's too long since
we saw you.