- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.321
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71824989 - the3esses
- 72080885 - not-logged-in-55ee4a33851902df8c08
- 72652949 - not-logged-in-3ad1e8de046843f2af07
- 73040618 - highc51239
- 73458499 - hoskinml
- 73549234 - Zooniverse2017
- WINNER - 73559852 - darryluk

71824989 - the3esses
Blackheath24 v 53
Dearest Sylvia
What a day. Divine weather. Did you take advantage of it? I'm sure you must have. I'm afraid I didn't. I kept intending to but I seemed to be busy and hesitated to stop. The result is I have written half of the Alan Carter play (including 3 songs). I am seeing him at Magda's tomorrow evening. I like what I have written; I hope they may: and I hope you will.
I agree with what you say about ART NEWS. But I wrote in the last number. Didn't you notice? About Picasso.
Have you the May VOGUE? There is the compact article S James Broughton about England or 'why the English are so Chinese.' It is really rather good and it has given me a angle on the sexless type comedy that Ealing Studios produce. Where's the sex? Displaced into cricket, old trains, children's gangs, and so on. Wednesday is the press show of GENEVIEVE. Genevieve is an old car. I read Broughton just in time.
I like working here. It is so nice not to have to go to town. Now, I feel tired but (having worked well) contented. It is 12.30 and pleasantly cool, I have had a bath. I shall read in bed for a little while, not long, as I have been sleeping well lately. I hope you have been, too. Have you? Good night, I hope you sleep well, good night.
25 v 53
I can begin today as I began last night. What a day. The weather is divine. Today (it is 12.00) I have taken advantage of it. I sunbathed in the back garden from 10.30
72080885 - not-logged-in-55ee4a33851902df8c08
Blackheath24 V 53
Dearest Sylvia
What a day. Divine weather. Did you take advantage of it? I'm sure
you must have. I'm afraid I didn't. I kept intending to but I
seemed to be busy and hesitated to stop. The result is I have
written half of the Alan Carter play (including 3 songs). I am see-
ing him at Magda's tomorrow evening. I like what I have writ-
ten; I hope they may: and I hope you will.
I agree with what you say about ART NEWS. But I wrote in the
last number. Didn't you notice? About Picasso.
Have you the May VOGUE? There is the compact articles of James
Broughton about England or 'we the English are so Chinese'. It
is really rather good and it has given me a useful angle on the
sexless type comedy that Ealing Studios produce. Where's the
sex? Displaced into cricket, and trains, children's gangs, and
so on. Wednesday is the press show of gENEVIEVE. Genevieve
is an old car. I read Broughton just in time.
I like working here. It is so nice not to have to go to town.
Now, I feel tired but (having worked well) contented. It is
12.30 and pleasantly cool. I have had a bath. I shall head
in bed for a little while, not long, as I have been sleeping well
lately. I hope you have been, too. Have you? Good night,
I hope you sleep well, good night.
25 V 53
I can begin today as I began last night. What a day. The
weather is divine. Today (it is 12.00) I have taken ad-
vantage of it. I sunbathed in the back garden from 10.30
72652949 - not-logged-in-3ad1e8de046843f2af07
73040618 - highc51239
Blackheath26 v 53
Dearest Sylvia
What a day. Divine weather. Did you take advantage of it? I'm sure you must have. I'm afraid I didn't. I kept intending to but I seemed to be busy and hesitated to stop. The result is I have written half of the Alan Carter play (including 3 songs). I am seeing him at Magda's tomorrow evening. I like what I have written; I hope they may: and I hope you will.
I agree with what you say about ART NEWS. But I wrote in the last number. Didn't you notice? About Picasso.
Have you the May VOGUE? There is the carvest article by James Braughton about England or 'why the English are so Chinese! It is really rather good and it has given me a useful angle on the sexless type comedy that Ealing Studios produce. Where's the sex? Displaced into cricket, old trains, children's gangs, and so on. Wednesday is the press show of GENEVIEVE. Genevieve is an old car. I read Braughton just in time.
I like working here. It is so nice not to have to go to town. Now, I feel tired but (having worked well) contented. It is 12:30 and pleasantly cool. I have had a bath. I shall read in bed for a little while, not long, as I have been sleeping well lately. I hope you have been, too. Have you? Good night, I hope you sleep well, good night.
25 v 53
I can begin today as I began last night. What a day. The weather is divine. Today (it is 12:00) I have taken advantage of it. I sunbathe in the back garden from 10:30
73458499 - hoskinml
Blackheath24 U 53
Dearest Sylvia
What a day. Divine weather. Did you take advantage of it? I'm sure you must have. I'm afraid I didn't. I kept intending to but I seemed to be busy and hesitated to stop. The result is I have written half of the Alan Carter play (including 3 songs). I am see-ing him at Magda's tomorrow evening. I like what I have writ-ten ; I hope they may : and I hope you will.
I agree with what you say about ART NEWS. But I wrote in the last number. Didn't you notice? About Picasso.
Have you the May VOGUE? There is the compact article by James Broughton about England or 'Why the English are so Chinese'. It is really rather good and it has given me a useful angle on the sexless type comedy that Ealing Studios produce. Where's the sex? Displaced into cricket, old trains, children's gangs, and so on. Wednesday is the press show of GENEVIEVE. Genevieve is an old car. I read Broughton just in time.
I like working here. It is so nice not to have to go to town. Now, I feel tired but (having worked well) contented. It is 12.30 and pleasantly cool. I have had a bath. I shall read in bed for a little while, not long, as I have been sleeping well lately. I hope you have been, too. Have you? Good night, I hope you sleep well, good night.
25 U 53
I can begin today as I began last night. What a day. The weather is divine. Today (it is 12.00) I have taken ad-vantage of it. I sunbathed in the back garden from 10.30
73549234 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath24 V 53
Dearest Sylvia
What a day. Divine weather. Did you take advantage of it? I'm sure
you must have. I'm afraid I didn't. I kept intending to but I
seemed to be busy and hesitated to stop. The result is I have
written half of the Alan Carter play (including 3 songs). I am see-
ing him at Magda's tomorrow evening. I like what I have writ-
ten; I hope they may: and I hope you will.
I agree with what you say about ART NEWS. But I wrote in the
last number. Didn't you notice? About Picasso.
Have you the May VOGUE? There is the carpet article by James
Broughton about England on 'Why the English are so Chinese'. It
is really rather good and it has given me a useful angle on the
sexless type comedy that Ealing Studios produce; where's the
sex? Displaced into cricket, and trains, children's gangs, and
so on. Wednesday is the press show of GENEVIEVE. Genevieve
is an old car. I read Broughton just in time.
I like working here. It is so nice not to have to go to town.
Now, I feel tired but (having worked well) contented. It is
12.30 and pleasantly cool. I have had a bath. I shall read
in bed for a little while, not long, as I have been sleeping well
lately. I hope you have been, too. Have you? Good night,
I hope you sleep well, good night.
25 V 53
I can begin today as I began last night. What a day. The weather is divine today (it is 12.00) I have taken ad-
vantage of it. I sunbathed in the back garden from 10.30
WINNER - 73559852 - darryluk
Blackheath24 V 53
Dearest Sylvia
What a day. Divine weather. Did you take advantage of it? I'm sure you must have. I'm afraid I didn't. I kept intending to but I seemed to be busy and hesitated to stop. The result is I have written half of the Alan Carter play (including 3 songs). I am seeing him at Magda's tomorrow evening. I like what I have written; I hope they may: and I hope you will.
I agree with what you say about ART NEWS. But I wrote in the last number. Didn't you notice? About Picasso.
Have you the May VOGUE? There is the compact article of James Broughton about England on 'Why the English are so Chinese! It is really rather good and it has given me a useful angle on the sexless type comedy that Ealing Studios produce. Where's the sex? Displaced into cricket, old trains, children's gangs, and so on. Wednesday is the press show of GENEVIEVE. Genevieve is an old car. I read Broughton just in time.
I like working here. It is so nice not to have to go to town. Now, I feel tired but (having worked well) contented. It is 12.30 and pleasantly cool. I have had a bath. I shall read in bed for a little while, not long, as I have been sleeping well lately. I hope you have been, too. Have you? Good night, I hope you sleep well, good night.
25 V 53
I can begin today as I began last night. What a day. The weather is divine. Today (it is 12.00) I have taken advantage of it. I sunbathed in the back garden from 10.30